Food Captured with Yummy Thoughts!"

in Steem For Pakistan9 months ago (edited)


Food serves as a source of nourishment and enjoyment for humans and plays a crucial role in maintaining health and sustaining life. Food is any substance consumed by living organisms to provide them with the essential nutrients, energy, and sustenance needed for growth, maintenance, and overall well-being. It can come from various sources, including plants and animals, and can encompass a wide variety of items like fruits, vegetables, grains, meat, dairy products, and more.

Thank you @artist1111 for this opportunity. To showcase my talent and also talk about my yummy food.


picture from my phone

What makes your chosen dish so special to you?

I chose the dish because it's my dad's favorite meal and I always make it for him. I love my dad so much and I will tell you that I can do everything to make him happy.
My dad loves to eat any food with veggies, no specific meal but anything meal at all that has vegetables, and because I'm the one that always makes it for him I fell in love with the food and I can tell you I'm a good cook too(lol).

You should also know that vegetables are rich in essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Common vegetables include leafy greens (e.g., spinach, ugu😛 root vegetables (e.g., carrots, potatoes), cruciferous vegetables. They provide a wide range of health benefits and are an important component of a well-rounded diet.

Older people know the importance of healthy living more than younger people. You can never see an older person acting desperate to eat a burger or drink a milkshake because they know the effect it has on their health.

Many vegetables are high in dietary fiber, which aids in digestion, helps regulate blood sugar levels, and promotes a feeling of fullness, which can assist in weight management. So it's very important to consume veggies. It has so many health benefits and should not be taken for granted. Some vegetables are high in potassium and can help to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Fiber in vegetables can also support heart health by lowering cholesterol levels.

Vegetables are generally low in calories and high in water content, making them an excellent choice for those looking to manage their weight. They can help you feel full while providing important nutrients. A balanced diet that includes a generous serving of vegetables can greatly enhance your overall health and well-being. Eat more veggies as often as you can.


picture from my phone

What is the story of your food-captured photos ?

There is no love as deep as a Dad's love.
I started cooking when I was in SS2, Iean that was when my mom started allowing me to cook and because I was a boarder, there was no time for me to learn from my junior secondary school. When I got admitted into the university in 2015 that was when I started going to the kitchen to cook for the family.

One day I made rice and stew and when I served my dad he refused to eat because it was a tomato stew and no sign of veggies inside. I felt so bad because how could my dad not eat that night, omo I begged him and promised to make him another food the next morning. The next morning I went to the market, bought okra and other ingredients, and came back home, he was on the farm that morning and I had to do everything quickly before he returned.

I made fried okra, in the whole family I'm the only person who knows the recipes I used and how to cook it. After making it, I waited for my dad to return because chefs like me have shown my talents and I need to be praised. 10 a.m. my dad got back from the farm, after having his bath, he warned me not to bring that rice I made yesterday for him😂 I already understand and have another plan.

I brought him the okra soup with the eba and made my dad laugh. He was surprised and I would tell you that is the best soup my dad has had in a long while from that day forward anything I came back from school nobody else cooked for him not even my mom and that was how I developed the habit of cooking and eating veggies with my dad.


picture from my phone

What emotions do you wish to convey?


Love for family is a profound emotional connection and affection that people feel for their family members. Cooking vegetables often brings to mind feelings of homeliness and care, as the process of preparing and enjoying a bowl of vegetable soup is associated with the idea of wholesome, homemade meals that can be soothing and satisfying.

Love for family often involves selflessness, sacrifice, and a willingness to prioritize well-being. Our actions are what shape the family. Sometimes the little things that we do are what keep the family together.

picture from my phone

In conclusion
Dine healthy. Research suggests that a healthy diet can increase longevity and improve the quality of life as you age. A diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants can contribute to healthier skin and hair. Foods with high water content, like fruits and vegetables, contribute to hydration. Healthy foods can support weight management by promoting a feeling of fullness and providing the necessary nutrients without excess calories.

Evade over-processed food and drinks.

Thank you for reading.

I'm inviting @bossj23, @allison001, and @emmy01 to participate in this contest.,

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