Steemit Engagement Challenge | S7W5 | Write A Short StorysteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem For Pakistan2 years ago

Bang and Dang.

In an African village remote from civilization two brothers Bang and Dang lived.

Although they were brothers they competed with each other on every occasion.

Their constant fights annoyed all the villagers and when this happened everyone tried to stay away from the thick of things and did not try to intervene in the dispute between the two brothers so as not to be beaten themselves.


The brothers argued for various reasons.

For example they could not share pastures among themselves for grazing livestock.

Bang was a sheep farmer.


And Dang was engaged in grazing cows and was constantly angry with Bang for the fact that his sheep eat all the grass in the pastures too quickly and Bang hated Dang and his cows for leaving huge cow cakes on the ground and Bang constantly stepped on them.


One day both brothers received a notice from a lawyer with a request to appear at the notary's office in a neighboring city.

Bang and Dang furtively from each other went there but were forced to enter the same door to the same notary.

The notary saw the angry looks of the two brothers who looked at each other with hatred and growled like jet engines and asked them to calm down sit down and listen to the essence of the case on which they were called.


As it turned out for a long time in the notary's office there was a will from the late second cousin grandmother in their names in which her last will was expressed namely to transfer to Bang and Dang a huge field sown with oats and wheat not far from their village.


The news of the inheritance did not reconcile the brothers but on the contrary hardened their hearts.

When they saw a field where wheat and oats were growing they could not decide which of them would get the wheat and who would get the oats and decided to arrange a competition among themselves.

The prize for the winner is everything!

And the loser is left with the nose.

Each of the brothers built canoes and called their friends to help in the race, but no matter how hard the rowers tried the boats reached the finish line at the same time.


Then the brothers decided to arrange a horse race but even then there was no winner the horses of both came to the finish line at the same time.


The brothers were thinking about what other competition to organize when a boy from their village came running and said that warthogs had come running in a field with oats and wheat trampled and ate the entire crop.


Bang and Dang ran there and saw that the rich field had turned into a desert and they like two stubborn camels standing on the edge of the field began to reevaluate their lives and the relationship of brother to brother.


It didn’t happen right away some time passed, but one day Bang came to Bang’s house hugged his brother asked for forgiveness for everything he had done wrong to his brother and offered to sow the field and share the harvest equally.


The idea for this story was inspired by postage stamps from my collection.

Sometimes looking at them, you can see different stories that took place in different parts of our planet.

As I said all photographs are original photographs of postage stamps owned by me.

Zoom in on a photo for a closer view.

This post is my participation in the contest Steemit Engagement Challenge S7-W5 | Be Creative : Write A Short Story, organized by @hive-180106.

I want to invite my friends to participate in the competition: @kaminchan, @bengy, @tonyz.


More to come!

Enjoy viewing the photos and reading the article!

Have a blessed day!


Camera:Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX300
Author:Author @barski. For my publications, I do not use stock photos, it is fundamentally important for me to use for publication photos that I have taken with my own hands, and I can call them - author's works.



 2 years ago 

¡Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through -steemcurator06.
We support quality posts, and good comments anywhere, with any tags.

Curated by :@wilmer1988

 2 years ago 

Thanks for support!

Hello My Friend @barski, The story of Bang and Dang is a great example of how sometimes competition between siblings can be taken too far. It is admirable that they were eventually able to reconcile and put aside their differences, especially when faced with such a devastating loss of their inherited field. It is a testament to the power of forgiveness and understanding, and shows that even the most strained of relationships can be mended.

The idea of the story being inspired by postage stamps is an interesting one. It goes to show how much can be seen in seemingly ordinary objects. It also serves as a reminder of how much is hidden in plain sight, and that the stories of those that have come before us are often just waiting to be rediscovered.

Regards, @fabiha

 2 years ago 

Thank you @fabiha! I think that even a shoe horn or a trash can can be something that will inspire you to write a story :)

 2 years ago 

What a wonderful concept—telling a tale from what you see on a stamp. Your brilliance is sawed by that. Have luck in the competition.

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much @senehasa :)


Es una buena historia donde dos hermanos lograron recapacitar y entendieron que es mejor no competir entre ambos para obtener las mejores cosas, sino luchar juntos para así poder lograr tener equilibrio y compartir todo, muchas veces vemos estas peleas entre hermanos y terminan mal pero en tu historia logro un final feliz éxitos amigo

 2 years ago 

Esta es probablemente la eterna historia de dos competidores y, bueno, cuándo. al final, llegan a un denominador común :) ¡Gracias!

The rivalry as explained in the Bang and Dang above is really how it occurs in real life. It was an interesting story too. I wish you best of luck in the contest too.

 2 years ago 

Thank you, yes, competition is possible on any continent and in any village :)

This story is teaching. I learnt that it's not always good to harden your heart with your brother in terms of sharing of property.

This part is very interesting:

The brothers were thinking about what other competition to organize when a boy from their village came running and said that warthogs had come running in a field with oats and wheat trampled and ate the entire crop.

This simply means that they would have lost their lives while the field will be owned and utilized by another person. I think we should learn from the brief story. Thank you for sharing.

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