Contest alert | Media Freedom in Your country

Greetings companions. The "Steem For Pakistan" people group has concocted a great challenge by @artist1111 and the subject is "Contest alert | Media Freedom in Your country" which is really captivating and appealing also, so today I'm here to drop my entry.

Media opportunity is an essential foundation of a majority-rule government, assuming an imperative part in the dispersal of data, different points of view, and basic examination. It ensures the option to communicate thoughts and feelings without control or unjustifiable impact, protecting straightforwardness, responsibility, and public commitment. Media freedom empowers citizens, promotes informed decision-making, and drives social progress in an open society.

Green Modern Garden Video.jpg

Question: Government regulations on media content: Are there restrictions on certain topics?

Ans: In any case, in Bangladesh, the public authority forces guidelines on media content that can reduce the opportunity for articulation. The country's media regulations, for example, the Advanced Security Act and the Authority Insider Facts Act, award specialists the ability to smother data considered adverse to public safety or public request. Certain subjects, including government criticism, religious sensitivities, and discussions on sensitive issues like separatism, often face restrictions. Journalists, bloggers, and social media users have become targets for their online activities, leading to self-censorship and a chilling effect on press freedom. These restrictions raise concerns about the state of media freedom and freedom of speech in Bangladesh.

Photo by Brett Sayles

Question: Media bias and political influence: Do you think media outlets lean towards specific ideologies or not?

Ans: Media bias and political influence pose significant challenges in Bangladesh's media landscape. Many media outlets in the country align themselves with specific political ideologies or affiliations, which is reflected in their reporting, story selection, and issue framing. This bias can shape public opinion and influence the narrative surrounding political events. Media ownership patterns and editorial control by political entities further contribute to this ideological tilt. Nonetheless, it is vital to recognize that there are likewise news sources that take a stab at unbiasedness and impressive skill. In this politically charged climate, media purchasers should fundamentally assess data, look for assorted sources, and develop media proficiency abilities to explore the perplexing elements of journalistic spin and political impact.

Photo by George Milton

Question: Media ownership and concentration: Who owns major media outlets (Channels)?

Ans: Concerns arise regarding media ownership and concentration in Bangladesh, as they impact the diversity of perspectives and potentially influence news coverage. Several major media outlets in the country are owned by influential individuals, business conglomerates, or political entities. A small number of entities control a significant portion of the media market, leading to biases and limited representation of alternative viewpoints. Such ownership concentration can also affect editorial independence and compromise the media's ability to hold those in power accountable. Media consumers need to be aware of these ownership dynamics and actively seek out a variety of sources to ensure a more comprehensive understanding of the news.

Photo by Lê Minh

Media freedom is vital for a thriving democracy and an informed society. It guarantees the unrestricted flow of information, diverse viewpoints, and critical analysis. Upholding media freedom empowers citizens, promotes transparency, and encourages public participation. It stands as a fundamental pillar of democratic values and requires protection and preservation.

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Thank you for dedicating your time to reading my post today. I would like to cordially invite @nazmul23, @mrnazrul and @shawlin to participate in this amazing contest.

 last year 

Upholding media freedom empowers citizens, promotes transparency, and encourages public participation.

Of a true, it gives us the confidence to justice equality. Thank you for sharing your wonderful piece of article with us. Goodluck bro.

 last year 

¡Saludos amiga!😊

Los sistemas gubernamentales tienden a ser enemigos de la prensa porque, a ellos no les gusta ser criticados y, aunque lo quieran o no, siempre hay criticas ya que, todo lo que hacen, no está bien.

Acá en Venezuela el Estado tiene una Ley donde se prohíbe categóricamente criticar al Gobierno y si algún medio difunde noticia que a ellos no les guste, lo cierran.

Excelente publicación💚


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