"One Picture And One Story Week #36"

in Steem For Pakistan28 days ago (edited)

Hello everybody, with hope and believe you all are going great,I'm delighted and honoured to be part of this great platform,where I learn new things every day that passes by on the platform. Am indeed the most happiest person to belong here,I won't take this privilege for granted, I'll make sure I do my best and be the best.

Here comes another great day to tell a short story to y'all on what has happened to me,I wish y'all would patiently read through my entry and enjoy every bit if it,I'll be honoured to have y'all stop by and read through.


So there's what we call Apollo, which comes with redness of the eyes, feeling drowsy,unable to face light, sun or any form of brightness, heaviness of the eyes and generally feeling pains and uncomfortable. Therefore, this sickness has a specific duration and season that it's affects most people, including old and young its doesn't choose who to affect.

All this while, I have Never been a victim or any member of my family, despite the belief of people saying it can be transferred from one person to another, either through direct eye contact with the affected person or airborne. But none of us has ever shown concern, claiming our gene is strong and for that reason we're not liable to get it by any means, be it the outbreak or not.

So on Monday morning after our family morning prayers, I did the house chores so I could help my mum stay in the shop,on reaching the shop I swept and opened the shop then sit outside ,suddenly my cousin brother came around and guess what??? He was affected with Apollo and his eyes was soo red and swollen, instead of me to Dodge his face by not looking directly to his eyes,instead I was feeling myself saying nothing would happen to me with strong mind... We gisted a bit and left .

Suddenly the following morning, I was tearing and my eyes was so heavy, I was just reluctant about it thinking it's stress or maybe the weather not knowing Apollo came visiting so quick. Still on I didn't still take it serious, I was just normal and a bit Free. But unfortunately the third day, my two eyes was closed completely I was scared and confused of what that could be, but immediately my mum saw it she was like"where did you get Apollo from ?"I responded with Apollo?? Then immediately I remembered the day my cousin came around with Apollo.


I was using sunshade glasses to prevent sun from getting to the eyes,then Mumsy got me an eyedrop,because it was painful and heavy throughout that week I keep using glasses and everyone in the house was avoiding me saying they don't want to affected too,soo I should bear my pain alone,so I continuously using the eyedrop until it gradually subsided from the pains and swollen, though I wasn't feeling good at all but then I had no option than to bear the pain.

I was recovering gently,suddenly that same cousin of mine was passing and wanted stopping by but then i asked him to pass because I'm not ready for another episode of Apollo again,he smiled and pass to where he was going. I kept recovering day by day until its completely gone and I stopped using glasses. That was when my family members started coming close to me, because there's no more Apollo.

I hereby comes to the end of my story,thanks for stopping by to read through, I hope you all enjoy it....thanks so much for this opportunity ma @suboohi

My invites



Apollo is very fast in moving from one person to another mainly through direct contact..and it's generally believed that u get relieved when it gets to another person

 27 days ago 

It is very fast my dear, I was really pained and never want anyone to contact it. I use my sunglasses all the time.

 27 days ago 

I have also faced this disease one time in my life, I was a small kid at that time. Your eyes will swell and you can not touch it or rub it. I was in my school back there when I faced this disease. Everyone should take care of themselves and restrain from things which causes diseases.

 27 days ago 

Oh really, I know exactly how you were feeling, do sorry and I wish you the best.

 25 days ago 

This post has been upvoted through Steemcurator09

Newcomer Team Curation Guidelines For March 2024
Curated by @suboohi


 25 days ago 

Thank you, I am glad to have your support.


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