in Steem For Pakistanlast month

Assalam Alaikum!!!

I hope you all are well and I wish you all well Alhamdulillah I am fine and by the grace of Allah my family and I are fine and I am doing a great job on the Steemit platform. I am doing and working very hard and I am sure that you guys like my work I do not doubt that I am learning a lot from you guys because I learned a lot from you guys. Yes, and I will continue to learn a lot from you guys but this time I am here to participate in the contest again with you guys and this contest is very good because it is about our daily routine and my daily routine. And I am very thankful to@hive-180106 for organizing this amazing contest


I would like to share with you guys we will go then without wasting time we go to my to day routine and I would like to present the diary game with you guys then it would be morning. Mother woke us quickly. When the Fajar Azan was called, my mother woke us up immediately after that, she woke up all our siblings, and you guys have an idea of ​​how early the Fajar prayer is. It was dark at that time and the morning light was not visible we had already woken up and as soon as we woke up my mother said to us that everyone prayed quickly. After praying, I recited the Holy Quran and immediately after that, before doing any other work, my mother told us all to take a bath in turn. And so I started cleaning and my brother who was with them began to take a bath. Then I finished my work of cleaning after it started getting a little light and then my mother said to me now it is your turn and you are also bathed. After that, we had a light breakfast because we had to go somewhere, so we thought that we should travel and not vomit somewhere on the way, we felt that such a heavy meal was not what it was. We needed to eat, so we had a light breakfast, which meant we had breakfast with tea and after breakfast, we started preparing because we had to go in the car and everyone else had to go. So it took us a lot of time because there were children and you know how much time it takes when the children are ready. I started waiting, but the driver was also late. We called the driver repeatedly, but he said that the bus had arrived. That I am near, but he is not near, he is far away, and when the car came, the children became delighted, and in happiness, they shouted so many things, they started to be so happy, and in happiness, people already We got into the car and put our seats and then we got up and we were ready and we got ready and we quickly sat in the car and we started our journey**


When our sisters are out on a trip together, we never get bored with the trip and we always enjoy the trip because sisters are with brothers, it's a different thing when siblings are together. So neither can anyone be bored nor can there be any difficulty and my brothers and my sisters and we were all together and the journey was going on and they were having a good time and enjoying a lot and they too

But it happened that we people were stopping at places and we people were not getting tension but we were laughing a lot because of stopping again and again and we were thinking that this is our journey stop stop stop. It is going to be done because today the car was parked, the children were also ready and we were late in leaving, but when we left, the sun had not yet risen and the weather was very lovely and very good. It presented a beautiful scene and we had to stop at one place, but not at one place


But one thing I would like to say is that it is very important to follow the traffic rules and the traffic on the road where we went is not given much importance, but we the people who were in the car and we the people. Everything should have been taken care of. Our driver was not wearing a seat belt and we didn't focus on it too much and as soon as we were on the main road, the policemen stopped us and the driver was also taken to the side. told that you people were not wearing seat belts, that's why you were stopped and you could have been fined if someone didn't obey the traffic law, but they also submitted all the other documents. checked and everything else was fine so they apologized after that they let us go but it took a lot of time for us because they were checking a lot but thank God the rest of Everything is fine


After that, we people left there and we thought again that now we people will not stop anywhere and we people will walk straight way so that we can reach the people quickly, but nature is a poet, something else was approved. And as we were going, we ran out of petrol, I don't know why it was happening, but we were stopping everywhere, and then we realized that we asked the driver how far the petrol pump is from here. If so, he said that it is not that far, so there is no need to worry. Then as much petrol as was in the car, he took us to the petrol pump and from there we poured petrol in our car and then we did not understand whether we were worried or not because if we were to take these things into our heads. If we did, it could have caused tension, so we didn't take it too seriously


we started the car again and started walking, but maybe it was our fate to stop. We were being stopped again and again and we were getting late because we thought we had to leave early. We thought that the sooner we went out, the more we would be able to escape the heat because the children were also with us, and if the children felt hot too quickly, there was a risk of the children getting sick, so we thought there was something else, but we Something else was happening to the people now as soon as we felt that we will not stop anywhere. But as luck would have it, something else was approved and our Phatak was also closed and we had to wait there for a long time and the heat was very high and then we stood there for a long time in the heat. But I remembered I had to take a picture now as I was passing by as the gate opened


Well, we were going and did not stopped again and we succeeded in reaching our destination after a lot of effort, and before that, we stopped again, just ten minutes ago before reaching the destination. Had to buy and before leaving we wanted to buy some food for the people


Finally, when we reached the destination, we talked a lot and got fresh and drank juice, tea, etc. and after getting fresh, we sat for a long time and gossips. then the food was ready and we were eating. And the food was very enjoyable and as it happens, we were also very hungry because you guys know that we had very little breakfast in the morning due to the journey


10% to @stmpak.wit

Invite friends:

Special thanks to @suboohi, @sahar78, @artist111



Hope you are fine :) we are developing somthing special for you


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