"Contest Alert !!! || "Domestic Violence". By @alinaasim5

in Steem For Pakistan2 months ago

Assalam o Alaikum

I hope you all are doing great by the grace of Allah Almighty. I'm fine too. Today I am going to take part in the contest that is organized by @abdullahw2 in Steem for Pakistan community.

What do you know about Domestic Violence? Explain in 2 paragraphs.

Domestic violence is known as intimate partner violence IPV, is a pervasive and multifaceted issue that affects individuals across all demographics. The abusive behaviors perpetrated by one partner against another within an intimate relationship, including physical, emotional, phycological, sexual and financial abuse. Domestic violence manifest in various forms like hitting, slapping, punching and other forms of physical harm. Emotional and psychological abuse involves verbal insults, threats, humiliation and manipulation. Sexual abuse include any non-consensual sexual activity.

Individual risk factors include a history of experiencing or witnessing violence, substance abuse and mental health issues. Relationship factors encompass power imbalances, conflict and community level. Gender inequality and insufficient legal protection for victims. Victims may suffer from injuries ranging from bruises to life threatening harm. They may experience anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder and mental health issues. It may also also effect on children who witness domestic violence are equally servere often leading to emotional and behavioral issues.


Briefly Explain at least three main types of domestic Violence.

Physical abuse

Physical abuse is one of the most recognizable forms of domestic violence and the involves the use of physical force against another person in the way that injures or endangers them. It include hitting, slapping, punching, kicking, biting, strangling and using weapon. Physical abuse can result in visible injuries like bruises, cuts and broken bones. It can also cause internal injuries and long term health problem.

Emotional and Phycological Abuse

Emotional and Phycological Abuse involves behavior that harm a person self worth or emotional well-being. This type of abuse can be more insidious than physical abuse. It often involves manipulative tactics that make the victim feel worthless, isolated and dependent on abuser. It includes verbal insults, constant criticism, belittling, threats, intimidation and manipulation. Emotional and Phycological Abuse can lead to severe mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and Post traumatic stress disorder.

Financial Abuse

Financial Abuse involves controlling a person ability to acquire, use and maintain financial resources. This abuse can create financial dependency and making it difficult for the victim to leave the abusive relationship. The abuser may also steal money or assets, limit access to bank account or force the victim to account for every expenditure.


Why is it important to raise awareness about domestic violence in society?

Rising awareness about domestic violence in society is crucial for several compelling reason. Awareness campaign help break the silence surrounding domestic violence encouraging victim to come forward and seek help. Many victims remain silent due to fear, shame or stigma attached to being a victim of domestic violence. Educating the public about the sign, forms and consequences of domestic violence is essential. People may not recognize certain behavior as abusive. Awareness initiatives can help people understand what constitutes domestic violence and how to identify it and what step to take if someone did to them. Awareness efforts highlight the resources and support system available to victim of domestic violence such as hotlines, shelters, counseling and legal aid. Many people mat witness sign of domestic violence but feel uncertain about how to help or worry about making the situation worse. Awareness campaign can provide guidance on how to offer support, report abuse and protect victim without putting themselves on risk. Rising awareness is key to changing cultural norms and attitudes that condone or perpetuate domestic violence. This cultural transformation is essential for long term prevention, creating a society where domestic violence is universally recognized as unacceptable.

Have you ever seen a real case of domestic Violence in your life? Tell us about it.

Maya and Arjun had been married for ten years living with their two children. From the outside, their life appeared normal and happy but behind closed doors Maya endured years of physical and emotional abuse from Arjun. Arjun often resorted to physical violence during argument. He would hit, slap and push Maya sometimes. Despite this, Maya rarely sought medical help, fearing judgement and further violence. Arjun would belittle Maya calling her worthless and undermining her call confidence. Arjun call controlled all the family finance. He gave Maya small allowance and monitored her spending. It extremely difficult for Maya to leave him. One night, the violence escalated to point where Maya feared for her life. Arjun attacked her in a fit of rage and the children witnessed the abuse. This incident was a wake up call for Maya. Maya reached out to a trusted friend who had noticed singed of abuse over the years. This friend connected her with a local domestic violence shelter. The shelter provided Maya a safe place to stay. Maya filed a divorce. The legal system played a crucial role in Maya journey to safety. The restraining order kept Arjun away and court granted her custody of the children. The shelter also helped Maya with job training. Over time, Maya and her children began to heal from the trauma.

Thank you for reading my post.

I would invite three of my friends to take part in this contest.

Regards @alinaasim5


Imagine a relationship of 10years going through domestic abuse, it is a good thing Maya raised awareness and still take the necessary steps and be safe.

 2 months ago 

Organizing campaigns to create awareness of signs of a violent people is crucial in the society.

I just wish victims of domestic violence will overcome their fear and speak up so that they can get help.
All the best my friend.

 2 months ago 

So many people are going through abuses in their various home but are scared to speak out they are scared they might be ridicule I look down they continue to endure the pain of domestic violence.
Well done and good luck with a contest.

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