SEC-S17 /W2| "What if you were the president of your country?"

in Steem For Pakistan5 months ago

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The role of the president of a country is a very important, cumbersome and and an all encompassing role that requires keen attention and intelligence on the part of whoever would assume that role.

If I were the president of my county, there are a lot of things am going to be considering doing in my country in fact a lot has to be done because my country presently is not working and needs a lot of work to be done on it. Let me do Justice to these with the hints given in a succinct way.

If you were the president of your country, what would be your top three priorities and why?


  • My first priority would be to revolutionize the industrial, agricultural and government sectors to be able to create more job opportunities in the country. The rate of joblessness in my country is alarming. There are millions of graduates without jobs. Creating jobs would be a way to alleviate the poverty ravishing the masses.

  • The next area I will focus on is to improve education and health facilities in the country. The education system is obsolete and most of the citizens who can afford good education are traveling outside the country to get it.

I will also look into the health session to ensures that the government hospitals are well equipped and working well and that there are staff and facilities and machineries to ensure their effectiveness and efficiency.

  • The third area I would look into would be the building of good roads and infrastructures such as housing infrastructures, rail lines, electricity and refineries to improve the living conditions of the masses.
As president, what specific steps would you take to improve education and healthcare systems in your country?


Education and health care system are very basic part of the government else the country will suffer. The steps I would take to improve the education and health care systems should include:

  • Build good and standard schools throughout the country to enable the masses to have quality education. There are a lot of dilapidated school buildings everywhere and students do not have conducive environment to learn.

  • I’d reduce the tuition fees to the barest minimum and even grant free education and scholarships where necessary.

  • Building of government hospital facilities in all the states and ensure they are fully furnished with well paid staff and equipments.

As a president, what challenges you could face in improving the overall condition of your country?


One of the challenges I could face in improving the overall condition of my country presently is the challenge of corrupt leaders in all the hemisphere of the country who do not have the interest of the masses at heart.

These leaders are after what they can get and they will frustrate any genuine leader who wants to revolutionize the country. They claim they are the fathers of the land and yet have nothing to offer nor have they offered anything since they’ve been in government and it’s alarming.

They would stop you if you want to get into power and you can only get there if you agree to dance to their tunes hence frustrating genuine efforts even before it starts.

Would you do something new to write the history of your country? What will it be?

Yes I would and that would be to flush every single person who have any record of corruption from the government starting from the federal government to the state government and to the local government.

The problem of my country is the problem of corruption. It has eaten so deep into the fabrics of the nation like a cancerous worm that it needs adequate purging.

If these corrupted people are fished out and sentenced rightly, never to be seen on the shores of government, it would go down in history that my country will be better.

Thank you for reading through my blog. Your comments and support are welcomed. I invite @ruthjoe, @ngozi996 and @vickyson to participate in this engagement.


Una verdadera lucha contra la corrupción debe ser la prioridad de un buen gobierno. Por mas que existan planes para el mejoramientos de sectores de educación, salud, economía, entre oros, no sirve de nada si se tiene personas corruptas dentro del sistema.

Es que son muchas la naciones que por mas recursos naturales que posean, que por mas alto grado de educación que tenga, por mas desarrollo industrial activen, si esta plagado de corrupción, ningunas de estas areas producirán adecuadamente.

Es por ello que veo muy factible que para poder alcanzar las metas que tienes propuestas en tu plan de gobierno, debas atacar y eliminar hasta sus cimientos la corrupción.

Hasta la próxima...

 5 months ago 

Well said. Thanks for your valuable comments and Weldone

 5 months ago 


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Curated by : @sohanurrahman

This is comprehensive. If wishes were horses, so you can actually implement these things. @alexanderpeace

 5 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 5 months ago 

Hii am so happy am able to read yours, it so wonderful and enjoyable to read. Becoming a president is one of the thing I wish to be but at the same time enjoyable and difficult. I pray you should have the grace to do more than the president.

 5 months ago 

Thanks and success

Greeting my friend, It's a great that you will improve your government and industrial sectors for creating nor job opportunities. It is great idea for increase the growth of your country. Good luck for your participation.


 5 months ago 

Thanks for dropping by and success

 5 months ago 

Hello Dear @alexanderpeace,
Unemployment has become common in every country but to eliminate it the government should announce vacancies in different institutions in different factors. Because of the vacancies announced by the government, only people with bribes and corruption are hired. Who lead this country in a very bad situation because they are not fit for the job but still they are hired only because of bribes. But we should make a law for it and according to this law, everyone should get a job according to his right so that no one is unemployed. And he can earn and take care of his family well. Similarly, education facilities should be upgraded so that schools and colleges should have everything that a student or a teacher may need. Similarly, teachers should hire highly qualified teachers there. If our environment is good then it will be easy for us to come and go as if our roads are good. And you have to improve the housing infrastructure, lay the rail line, and provide electricity, if we fulfill these basic things, our nation will develop a lot. And our country will get out of difficulties and move towards prosperity. The points you have noticed are very good and you can develop your nation by keeping them in mind. Best of luck.
Regards: @ahsansharif

 5 months ago 

Well said friend. Thanks

If you were the president of your country, your top three priorities would be to revolutionize the industrial, agricultural, and government sectors to create more job opportunities, improve education and healthcare systems, and enhance infrastructure development. You would take specific steps such as building schools and hospitals, reducing tuition fees, and providing free education.

 5 months ago 


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator04. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere, and any tags.
Curated by : @sohanurrahman

 5 months ago (edited)

Very nice to read your post and the way you have explained each point step by step is admirable. Very good presentation. Can't forget that agriculture is agriculture is an aspect that is very important to practice it plays an important role for the development of any country when our agriculture system is not good we will not benefit from our resources. So how can we develop, so by adopting your point of view, if we provide good facilities to the farmers, then they will give us good crops, which will bring prosperity to our country, if the farmers are prosperous. The country is also prosperous and the rest of the work is our education and health, which are considered common aspects, so it is as important to follow them and keep them in mind as the spine in our body. Must have


Regards by @mona01

 5 months ago 

Thanks friend for visiting my blog and for the valuable comment. Success and warm regrds

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