One Picture And One Story Week #37

in Steem For Pakistan2 months ago

Hello my fellow steemian greetings to you all, how are you guys feeling today, I hope you guys are doing great, am do excited participating in this contest cos I like writing stories. Thanks to @suboohi for organizing this wonderful contest 🥰.



Once upon a time, in a small village in Africa, there lived a young woman named Nneoma. She was a kind and gentle woman, loved by all who knew her.

Nneoma was married to a man named okoro, and they had a beautiful baby boy named kamsi.

Okoro's sister Adanna was a wicked and jealous woman. She resented Nneoma for marrying her brother and bearing him a son, while she remained childless.

Adanna began yo plot against Nneoma, spreading false rumors and lies about her to okoro her brother and the rest of the family.

One day, Adanna convinced okoro that Nneoma was using withcraft to harm him and their son. Okoro blinded by his sister's deceit, began to turn against his wife.

Nneoma was heartbroken, but she refused to let Adanna's evil schemes destroy her family.

One night Adanna snuck into Nneoma's hut and stole kamdi leaving a fake version of the body in his place but nneoma didn't give up.
She search the entire village, asking everyone if they had seen her son. But she couldn't find her son.
Finally on her way going, she came across a wise old man who revealed to her that Adanna was behind the evil deeds. The wise man narrated everything to her she told her how Adanna came inside her hut and stole her son.

Nneoma went home immediately, she confronted Adanna who confessed to her wicked schemes and brought out Nneoma's son from where she hide the little boy.
Nneoma took back her son and went back to her hut.

Okoro realizing his mistake, apologizing to Nneoma and banished Adanna from their home.

From that day on, Nneoma and okoro's love grew stronger, and they lived happily ever after woth their son kamsi.
Adanna on the other hand, was shunned by community and left to live alone. A reminder of the dangers of jealousy and wickedness.

Thanks for reading my post

I will like to invite my friends @chant, @okere-blessing @patjewell to read and comment on my entry.

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

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