1 Picture 1 Story week # 32: A girl that died because of iPhone

in Steem For Pakistan3 months ago (edited)

Greetings , fellow steemian, how are you guys doing today?, I hope you guys are doing great, I'm really excited to be part of this amazing contest, I will like to share my story with you guys . Thanks to @suboohi for organizing this wonderful contest.

She died because of an iPhone.


There was a girl called Cynthia, she is 17 year old, she lives in a town called onistha, Cynthia was very beautiful and attractive but she don't want to to have boyfriend at her age because she wants to take care of her father first.

Her mother was late so she lives with his father and help him in doing some work .
Cynthia was very obedient to his father and living happily with him.
Cynthia couldn't forder her education because his father don't have enough money to take her to high school.
She is young girl and wanted to make friends with her mate's, because she needs somebody to be taking and playing with.

Cynthia was a decent girl, but her friends always deceive her to do the wrong things, she like doing what ever her friends do to be in line with them.

Cynthia was using Itel phone , the one her father can afford but all Cynthia's friends were iPhone users which their boyfriends got for them. Cynthia was using an Itel android phone.

Each time Cynthia tried to touch the iPhone of her friends, they would scare her away telling her to go get a boyfriend that would get an iPhone for her.

"Don't touch my iPhone. My boyfriend got it for me. Go and have one that would get you an iPhone" Judy her friend would always say to her.
This made Cynthia to start thinking of having a boyfriend that will buy her iPhone and also she wants to be like her friends.
So Cynthia decided to get her self a boyfriend that will buy her iPhone to be like her friends.
Later, one boy called Frank told her to be his girlfriend, Cynthia quickly accepted because Frank dressed in rich cloth and she have it in mind that Frank can give him anything she wants.

Six months of their relationship, Cynthia requested for an iPhone. Frank on the other hand has been asked by his Baba to sacrífice his girlfriend Cynthia. Frank has been planning on how to begin his mission on killing Cynthia for the sacrifîce but when Cynthia requested for an iPhone, he decided to get her through that means.

"I will get you an iPhone 15 if you sleep with me" Frank said to her.

"IPhone 15!!!" Cynthia exclaimed.

She agreed.

That evening, Frank slept with her and when they were done, he went into his wardrobe, brought out the iPhone and handed it over to her.

Cynthia's heart was filled with joy. She picked up her clothes and dressed up.

She kissed him before leaving to he apartment.

She sat on the sofa in her one room apartment. While she was about to open the iPhone, she felt a sharp pain on her vàgínå.

She dropped the iphone by her side and tried to figure out what caused the pain.

The pain came again and before she knew it, blood started gushing out of her vagina.

She bleeded till she died on the sofa. This is how Cynthia lost her life and leave her poor father.

Thanks for reading my story.

I will like to invite my friends @blessedp, @zekanem, @victorlives to participate in this contest.

 3 months ago 

Hello friend, your story is touching and on point.
There lesson one can learn from this, lust and unnecessary want or you can say materialistic.
And fir Cynthia she doesn't deserve death, but unfortunately for her she had to be a scapegoat fur others young girls out there to learn, and I hope they really learn
Best of luck dear.

 3 months ago 

Greetings dear @adachukwu thanks to share this sad story of girl. Iphone get 2 live one of this girl and second is her father. She leave her father in bad condition due to this iphone. I said that please don't get anything more than status. I wish you good luck.

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