SEC-S17 /W2| "What if you were the president of your country?"

in Steem For Pakistan5 months ago


I am the president of the country, but I would definitely focus on improving the society and increasing social love. I want to focus on making progress and improvements in government services, education, health communication, and technology. Also, committed to respecting and valuing the opinions and feedback of customers and citizens. A president is committed to the country and can develop the country and make the country a first class country if he does not abuse his power.


If you were the president of your country, what would be your top three priorities and why?

The role of the state of Bangladesh is important and responsible towards the society. The main duty of the state is to ensure the freedom, welfare, and security of the country, and to take necessary steps for the military, economic, social, and political development of the country.

  • Zero tolerance to corruption: Zero tolerance to corruption or crime means that any type of crime or anti-social activity is not tolerated, it adopts sanctions. It can be enshrined as part of the country's policies and laws, which help ensure individual and social protection. The need for such policies and laws is often vital for the peace, security and harmony of society. This type of zero tolerance shows resilience against crime and creates a healthy and just environment in the society.

  • Growth of education and research: Growth of education and research is the basic foundation for the development of the country and the development of a developed society. It plays an important role in the advancement of new technology and science and is an indicator of progress in national economic development. An educational society envisages the full establishment of education and provides equal rights and opportunities to its members. By imparting higher education and technology education, essential engineering and skills can be developed for the country. Advances in research technology can lead to new discoveries and improvements in science and technology. Research and improvements can lead to health and environmental improvements, which in turn impact social and economic development.

  • Ensuring public service: Ensuring public service is a primary responsibility of the state. It is important to establish a healthy, secure, and equal society. To ensure that services are adequately available and provide rights and opportunities to every member of society. To ensure equal rights and opportunities for every member of society, so that no individual or group has limited rights or opportunities.


As president, what specific steps would you take to improve the education and healthcare system in your country?

As for improving the education and health care system, the steps that should be taken are:

Learning Improvement:

Improving the standard and quality of education: To improve the standard and quality of education, standards should be raised again. This is possible by providing easy and reliable learning opportunities and facilities.

Use of Technology: The use of technology for education should improve and facilitate learning. This is possible through the use of online learning, digital learning materials, and inverted classrooms.

Professional Education: Necessary steps should be taken to provide complete professional education, so that students can be educated according to their life purpose.

Healthcare Improvements:

Improving primary health care: Accessible and effective systems for providing primary health care should be developed.
Maternal and Child Health: Maternal and child healthcare should be enhanced and enriched. It specifies health care, delivery, and healthy delivery.
Primary Health Care: Primary health care should be accessible and well developed for improvement. This can be key to improving the entire health system in your country.

By taking all these systematic steps, it is possible to improve and ensure equal services in education and health care systems. These steps can play an important role in social and economic development and help in improving the standard of living of the people of your country.


As a president, what challenges can you face in improving the overall condition of your country?

As a president, improving the overall situation may necessarily require a larger and more proactive approach and leadership. However, some challenges may be significant as the President:

Social and Financial Inequality: Inequality can be a major challenge to overall development, which motivates many Bangladeshi people with communal and financial development. As the President, addressing this inequality requires providing opportunities and opportunities to improve the human, financial and social resources of every section of the society.

Climate Change and Environmental Conservation: Challenges related to environmental conservation and climate change may be an unusual part of the necessary development, which may affect the future of Bangladesh's people's livelihood and environment. Solving these challenges requires a combination of social, environmental and economic improvements.

Political Stability and Social Instability: Political stability, social instability and overall security can be challenges to ensure social and political stability needs to be protected.

All these challenges can be important for social progress and state development, and the President can play a fundamental role in solving them. Solving them may require good policy determination and leadership.


Will you do something new to write the history of your country? What will it be?

If I want to write something new in the history of my country, it will be based mainly on many psychological and spiritual issues. I would consider the following aspects necessary to write the history of my country:

The history I write will be based on recent events and conflicts, which are relevant to the current position of our country. I want my written history to be more researched and improved on social and cultural issues. At that time, the clash of people's daily life, the importance of literature, art and literature will be appreciated. I want, my written history will be filled with global aspect and through advanced analysis, a deeper understanding of our country's past will be possible. The history I write will use a retrospective approach, allowing for deeper study and estimation behind each event. My written history will be based on the disclosure of facts, and will be aware of anti-state facts or assumptions.

Overall, my aim will be to write the history of my country by focusing on these aspects, so that it differs from the history of our other countries and sets an example for the future of our country. I request your participation in this competition @shahid2030 @dhrhira @sinthiyadisha.


Thanks for reading my post
Good luck to you.
I wish you well


@Abdul Rakib
I have read almost all the posts and all the posts were more than one but your presentation and the way you expressed your opinion is a bit different from others what aspects you want to develop in your country like Democracy, eradication of corruption, primary health care, education, these are aspects that can hinder the development of any country if they are not paid attention to. If we continue, I do not think that the country will lag behind in development.

 5 months ago 

Thank you for your keen observation. I'm dedicated to fostering a robust democracy, eradicating corruption, enhancing primary healthcare, and ensuring quality education for all. These aspects are pivotal for national development, and by prioritizing them, we can propel our country forward towards prosperity and inclusivity.

 5 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Greeting my friend,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic, Your ideas demonstrate commitment with progress, equality, and justice. Keep sharing your thoughts and working towards a better future for Bangladesh! Good luck.


 5 months ago 

Thank you for your kind words and encouragement! I'm deeply committed to progress, equality, and justice for Bangladesh. Together, we can strive for a brighter future. Your support means a lot. Best wishes to you too.

 5 months ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

La corrupción es un cáncer que suele infectar las gestiones políticas por ello es que vemos tantos problemas económicos a nivel mundial y, ver que exterminar este mal es tu primera prioridad, me alegra mucho porque, de esa manera hay alternativas de progreso en tu país.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 5 months ago 

Thanks for your encouraging words. I totally agree that corruption is a hindrance to progress. I hope to contribute to eradicating this evil and working towards a more just and prosperous future for all.💚

 5 months ago 

Hi beautiful boss have gone though everything written down here and it has increased my knowledge about president, their duties are to care and provide the need of the people. Wish you success

 5 months ago 

Thank you for your kind words, I'm glad to hear that you found the information helpful. Indeed, serving and caring for the people is at the core of a president's duties. Your support means a lot. Wishing you success as well.

You would focus on highlighting the contributions of marginalized communities, women, and minority groups in shaping the history of your country. By giving voice to those who have been historically silenced.

 5 months ago 

Absolutely! Elevating the contributions of marginalized communities, women, and minority groups is essential to honoring their role in shaping our country's history. Giving voice to the silenced empowers us all and enriches our collective narrative.

 5 months ago 

Greetings dear Rakib
Dear friend thank you for your very detailed presentation as your president here. In which you have told about your corruption that you want to end it. Corruption has become the main problem of every nation where this corruption exists, we cannot develop. Similarly, we should give maximum growth to our education because through education we can take ourselves very high and conquer this world. And our own basic needs should be met, everyone in our society should take care of each other. When we fix our education and health department, there will be no uneducated people. And no one will be afraid of life because everyone cares about his health, so he can get his treatment in any hospital in the best way. I wish you more success.

 5 months ago 

Thank you for your thoughtful message. I appreciate your recognition of the importance of combating corruption and prioritizing education and healthcare. Together, by addressing these issues and caring for one another, we can build a stronger, more prosperous society. Your support means a lot to me. Wishing you continued success as well.

 5 months ago 

Absolutely, improving primary health care is crucial for overall healthcare system effectiveness. Enhancing maternal and child health services is a significant aspect of this improvement, ensuring safe deliveries and healthy outcomes. Accessible and well-developed primary health care systems lay the foundation for a stronger healthcare infrastructure, ultimately contributing to social and economic development and elevating living standards for all citizens.

 5 months ago 

Improving primary health care, especially maternal and child health services, is pivotal for robust healthcare systems. Ensuring safe deliveries and healthy outcomes not only saves lives but also fosters social and economic development. Accessible primary care builds stronger healthcare infrastructure, uplifting living standards for all citizens. Thanks for your kind word.

 5 months ago 

Absolutely, investing in primary health care, particularly maternal and child health services, is crucial for building resilient healthcare systems. It's not just about saving lives; it's about nurturing healthier communities and driving overall development. Your advocacy for this essential cause is commendable.

 5 months ago 

Your recognition is appreciated.

 5 months ago 


 5 months ago 

Hello dear dear brother !your thoughtful presentation as the president highlights crucial priorities for societal progress, focusing on eradicating corruption, advancing education and research and ensuring public service.Your emphasis on zero tolerance for corruption sets a strong foundation for societal integrity and progress. Best regards for you

 5 months ago 

Thank you so much for your kind words and support! It's essential to prioritize eradicating corruption, advancing education, and ensuring public service for societal progress. Together, we can build a better future. Best regards to you as well.

 5 months ago 

You are very welcome dear brother ! Best regards to you too

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