My California - Crowder Canyon

in SoCal Steemitlast year

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For this weeks Show Us Your California contest by @socalsteemit I head out for a short hike up...

Crowder Canyon!!

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I headed up the 15 fwy to the junction with the 138 in the Cajon pass. From the exit I headed down passed the McDonalds to where the Pacific Crest Trail crosses underneath the 15. I parked there and then headed north on the trail up into Crowder canyon. It's not a huge canyon, but what it lacks in size it makes up for with its rugged beauty. The creek that runs through the canyon is also quite small, and is usually completely dried up, but with the wet winter we've had here, it was flowing good. And there were many blooming wildflowers all throughout the canyon as well. Making for a very pleasant hike.

PCT trail sign

The tunnel where the PCT crosses under the 15 frwy

Heading up canyon

Wildflowers along the trail

Rugged canyon scenery




At the upper end of the canyon it starts to widen out and the deep and narrow rugged canyon changes into a wide and shallow meadow filled channel through open rolling hills. Eventually the trail comes to a crossing with a dirt road. And from there I left the PCT and followed the dirt road up to where it ended at a big metal power line tower where I got some nice views overlooking the canyon.

Where the canyon widens out

Hiking through the grass and chaparral covered rolling hills

More wildflowers

Arriving at the dirt road

Open meadows

The big metal power line tower

Views south from the tower

Views north from the tower

From the tower I turned around and headed back down the dirt road into the canyon where the road crossed the creek. From there I decided to follow the creek back down the canyon instead of taking the trail. Which was obviously a bit more challenging, but also more exciting. And to add to the excitement I came upon a rattlesnake sunbathing on a rock. And not much further downstream I ran into another one right next to the water! Needless to say I was a little nervous after that and had my eyes open looking out for anymore snakes, but luckily didn't end up seeing anymore. The rest of the hike back was really enjoyable, hiking right next to the little creek. I was really glad I decided to get out. This hike was kind of a last minute decision and it ended up being a good one.

First rattlesnake


Hiking along the creek

The second rattlesnake

Rattlesnake close up

Small cascades along the creek

Getting almost back to the trailhead

And so until next time...

I hope you have enjoyed this glimpse into

My California!!

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all photos by @derekrichardson

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Awesome hike! Those snakes me nervous!! 🤪

Congratulations, your post won 2nd prize in this weeks Show us Your California contest!!

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