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RE: Podcast

in Politics3 years ago

It does matter. Because of the nonsense:

In Germany, two 13-year-old children died suddenly while wearing a mask for a prolonged period of time; autopsies couldn’t exclude CO2 intoxication or a sudden cardiac arrest.

In China, several children who had to wear a mask during sports classes fainted and died; the autopsies found a sudden cardiac arrest as the probable cause of death.

Covid had an infection rate of 1%; currently, it has a 70% recovery:

So, these kids died for an illness where only 30% of 1% are infected, and the number of deaths, globally, is less than 0.01%!

The media and politics are fear-mongering. They talk about cases, like they're deaths. They talk about the deaths, but don't put it into perspective to the populations. And how often do they talk about recoveries?

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