The time has long passed for the main course of education to flow. It is not possible to get a good result from education, which has not been transferred to its main medium for centuries. It is not possible to establish a new order and to raise a new and moral generation without changing this medium of education back to its main medium.


This medium can only be by ending the separation of religion and education. Ever since I practiced secularism in education, it has been a dream to raise moral and patriotic generations. The first instructor is Allah. "My Lord taught me and how well he taught me." Our Prophet is the second great educator. This education never departed from religious teaching.

The places of this religious education were mosques and madrasahs, dervish lodges and lodges, dervishes and ribats. But the day came, education was excluded from shrines. Whatever happened happened after that. After that day, he lost his educational spirit, lost his spirituality, founded an education, turned into teaching based solely on memorization.
This soulless education has become increasingly alienated from human values. Education staff ceased to be moral individuals. Smoking, drinking and gambling addicted cadres raised a generation like them. Moreover, the training army, which lost its faith, declared war on beliefs.

What needs to be done now is that these mistakes should be eliminated from scratch, and first of all, the army of education consists of people who are faithful, moral and devoted to moral values. Until the day when public shrines are built in the middle of educational institutions, it is not possible to make a barley-long progress in education.

In addition, it is impossible for education to embrace the society until the day when temples turn into great education centers. In that case, we should design new educational institutions accordingly, build new educational campuses (as stated by our President), to have Islamic religious schools in each of these complexes, and also to build primary, secondary, high school and university-scale types of these complexes. .
It should be ensured that the public and the education community reconcile, and the values ​​of the public and education values ​​coincide. Thus, continuity in national values ​​should be ensured, and the separation between the intellectuals and the people should be ended.

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