Favourite photos of the city I live in contest.

in Steemit Türkiye3 years ago (edited)

Good morning everyone 🖐️
I would like to begin by thanking the Almighty for enabling all of us to wake up alive. As many people didn't make it to today morning, here you are alive and reading this article.
I would also like to thank the organizers of this amazing contest.
It's my first time in this community and I hope I get to learn from each one of you.

With that said, let me go ahead and share the favourite photos of my city.

When one comes to Kampala town, the common means of public transportation is the white mini-van "matatus" with the popular blue and white belt and the motor bikes commonly known as boda bodas.
They are scattered all over the city, accumulating into one massive traffic mayhem that I always love calling organized chaos.
Welcome to my warm, dusty town of kampala.
A Place that I call home.❣️❣️💯💯😁


That is the taxi park where taxis park to wait for passengers going to different destinations.


That mapeera building is one of the tallest buildings in kampala. And it has one of the most popular banks in my country. The centenary bank


That's the Acacia mall, it is a very nice building and very many people go there to.do their shopping and sometimes people go there just to take pictures.


That is the speke appartments building...it has high end luxurious appartments. It's located in wampewo.


This is Garden city.. this photo was taken during Christmas times..and it always looks beautiful everytime I see it.


Those are the MTN towers on a Christmas night.

It has been nice sharing my favourite photos of my city..I hope you like them


Very nice city..

Thank you very much @doski ..am really grateful..taking your time to go through my article means alot to me...thank you..👏👏

Your welcome. Also you took very successfull photo.

Thank you @doski ..I hope I win

I hope you'll win

You have been curated by @yohan2on, a country representative (Uganda). We are curating using the steemcurator04 curator account to support steemians in Africa.

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