Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W6 - "What happens if motor vehicles are banned around the world?

in Hindwhale Community6 months ago

Hi good friends!
Welcome to my blog as I join the last week of this season. Transportation happens every day in our lives. We move things from. place to place without necessarily minding how it's done or plans made. Therefore Transportation in my understanding entails when we move goods and services from point to point. It might also mean people conveying themselves from one location to another. Let's get started...

What happens if motor vehicles are banned around the world?

Banning motor vehicles in the world would bring about untold hardship in the transportation sector. This is the majorly used means of transportation by virtually all the human classes (low, middle class, and the rich). The worst hit would be the low and middle. classes who may not maneuver their ways like the rich class.

Movements of goods and services would be stalled due to distance barriers and human migration. place to place would drastically reduce. The inconvenience level would increase as this would pose difficulties in goods and human conveyance.

But I think the world would also benefit from the hazards this caused humanity. Road accidents especially by motor vehicles record the highest rate of human death by general accidents. Human lives have been constantly lost from motor vehicles. A ban on it would entail a reduction in death rates by road accidents.

How about the noise pollution we constantly get from the presence of motor vehicles? A typical city and state like Lagos would invariably suggest that motor vehicles needed to be banned. It is more of a nuisance than the transportation system it offers. The congestion, the overbearing horns and sirens, are some of the challenges of these motor vehicles.

It would also save the world from further damage to its ozone layer constantly attached to fumes and smoke. The world would be revived by a drastic reduction of some of these substances that cause climatic changes.


Will humans again seek the help of animals for transport?

Not necessarily would humans depend on the use of animals to execute transportation demands because of the ban on motor vehicles. There are other means of transportation other than motor vehicles.

The invention has made it possible for us can travel by water through the use of ships and speedboats. These can substitute partially for the use of motor vehicles.

We also have air transportation where planes and private jets come in. This can also serve this purpose but the challenge is the cost of handling this means of transportation.

We also have rail transportation. The use of trains and other forms of locomotives are durable ways of moving from place to place.

How would our environment be without motor vehicles?

The environment would be the most beneficial without motor vehicles. I have listed some of the points that benefit the environment and these are still my stance on this.

The environment would have a relief from the continuous hazards that come from crashes. There are no daily incidences of motor coaches. l is not recorded and in some cases, lives are lost immediately and some others are harmed.

We could also look at the air pollution from the car emissions. Emissions from. steaming engines and exhausts where Carbon monoxides are emitted isn't only good for humans but also for the environment.

What will it be if humans invent any form of transportation other than the motor in the future?

We already have other forms. of transportation like Water transportation, Air Transportation, and Rail transportation. These are complementing means of transportation already in place for use.

There is also another one in place, an invention we look down on or only use while in fun places. This is the cable car. We have not developed this into a full stream in our transportation sector. if well harnessed it would serve as a great replacement.


Thank you, Friends...

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Hello friend, I agree with you that there are many pros and cons, although this does not delay our way of living, it can also bring other benefits, especially for the planet, it would help its conservation.

Successes and blessings in the contest

 6 months ago 

Very sire. It will bring about other benefits. if banned. At least the environment is the number one beneficiary of that. Thanks for engaging.

Hi friend

Since motors was invented, our means of transportation was made easy and faster. Waking up to another reality where motor vehicles are banned around the world will really take time for humans to adjust to the new change. Looking into this, it will place us to dwell on both the advantages and disadvantages either to; have an healthy environment without vehicles or slow down our movement with animals or non-technological means of transportation like bicycle.

 6 months ago 

The community would be better off by this ban on the noise pollution and air pollution it causes. The environment would be better placed than others. Thank you, for engaging.

Banning motor vehicles would bring both challenges and benefits. It would be tough for transportation, especially for the low and middle classes who heavily rely on them. Moving goods and people would become more difficult, causing inconvenience.

But then, there are some positives too. A ban would reduce road accidents and save lives. And let's not forget about the noise pollution and congestion caused by vehicles, especially in busy cities like Lagos. Getting rid of them would make things quieter and less chaotic.

Plus, it would help the environment by reducing harmful emissions and protecting the ozone layer. So, it's a trade-off, but there are definitely some benefits to consider. What do you think?


Lingkungan akan terbebas dari polusi udara maupun suara jika penggunaan kendaraan bermotor dilarang, itu memang baik bagi lingkungan tapi tidak bagi kita manusia, pada zaman modern ini tidak ada lagi pemakaian transportasi hewan, mungkin di daerah terpencil masih digunakan.

Salam semoga beruntung 🙏

If not for the inconvenience and hardship this may cause it would have been batter we agree on the ban of motor vehicles though it would be of grate benefits such as it will reduced road accidents, noise pollution, and air pollution.

 6 months ago 

Yeah exactly. Its ban would be profitable to our environment. thank you for reaching out.

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