Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W1 - "Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing?

in Hindwhale Community5 months ago

It is another great moment to start up the very first week in the season. Hindwale community, thank you for putting up this educative and all important topic about our kids and their development. Out children are our pride, heritage and the foundation for future generations. How well we nurture and guide them simply gives a direction to what the future would look like. Let's get started...


What is more important for children in their childhood, playing or studying?

Children actually needs both of those parameters during childhood and for the importance this needs, they are seen to thrive with both concurrently. But one thing I've observed among the two is that, they need one more but the other to complement the other. The the latter should be more than the major so as not to create an imbalance.

However, the kids need more of education in their developmental stage as well as growing up. In doing this, there are diverse tools created for this purpose that also inculcate that playing and other sporty activities are carried out. Several education games has been programmed in such a way that paying is added to their educational curriculum which are also instrumental to their brain development and ability to become smart within their environs.

Studying will always be my first choice for them but in doing so, I will also and always drag playing into this moments as children are susceptible to play activities. Funnily this also shape them but have to come with a lot of moderation. It should be the complementing side other than the side with the majority influence.

Are today's children lagging behind in studies and sports? If yes, explain the reason.

Oh wow! Not at all. Children of nowadays are doing just excellently in studies and sports. At a time I was asking my spouse that the wat kids are taught weren't the same way we were taught in our days. They have longer learning hours this time because of the compulsory lesson time that keep them behind not until 4pm in the evening.

Of a truth, this sacrifice pays off as they seem to be in tune with their studies and happenings of today which has been updated in their various curriculum as they age through the different stages. Sometimes, you see them argue with us their parents at home when you try to teach them. When its not in tune with the pattern and method in which they were taught in class, they put some little resistance.

Also at this time we see the children align so much or having high affinity for sports activities. They love anything play at this stage and when it is presented to them as a means of leisure, they do absolute well this time. They are excellent in most sport activities in this generation.


Is online education useful to your children?

Engaging children with educative contents is one way to improve and develop them faster than what we had during our era in the 18th and 19th century. Just like we see in most tertiary institutions of recent, the use of online learning methods has been rewarding with ability to drive audio-visual impacting skill.

There are several learning tablets preloaded with educative teachings and this help improve and complement their conventional classroom education.

How does online education effect your children's mental and physical health?

There is no doubt that the classroom education cannot provide all the required intrigues required to the exposure our children needs. Just like we know, the world is a global village as this can only be substantiated by the exposure we get from online.

Online education gives an additional layer to the child who is already basically engaged in the classroom. It gives them the required exposure and feeling of what happens around them in the educational sector which may not be obtainable in their conventional classroom.

I've seen over time that it improves that grammer, diction and phonetics while talking. There ability to recognize and identify animals, objects, places, etc also improves drastically. What about the online puzzles and gaming that get them engaged? This improves their qualitative and quantitative reasoning.

Thank you.

I'm inviting @chilaw and @hisgeneral to join the contest.


I totally agree with you. Kids need a balance of both education and playtime during their childhood. It's like they need one to complement the other. Education is super important for their development and growth, and there are so many cool tools and games that make learning fun. These educational games not only help them learn but also support their brain development and make them smarter in their surroundings.

But hey, let's not forget about the power of play. Playing is something kids naturally love and it shapes them in unique ways. It's great to incorporate play into their learning moments, but of course, with moderation. It should be the complementing side rather than overpowering the majority of their time.

So, let's strike a balance between education and play for our little ones. It's all about giving them the best of both worlds.

 5 months ago 

Yes o, it is ll about giving them the best we can. Striking a balance for both parameters is necessary for their development. Thanks for the quality comment.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 5 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

La era digital en la educación tiene sus cosas buenas pero, esta no debe ser de manera prolongada porque, más que beneficios para la educación, trae muchísimos puntos negativos por ello, no todo debe ser online.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 5 months ago 

Thank you for the great comments @paholags. Your comment I always await for being a good post engager. Thanks for coming around once again.

Yes, children needs a little play to strike a balance between playing and studying. A here and a little there should create a good balance. I think parents should also study their kids to dictate their pattern of study because a child that loves playing while studying cannot learn fast with rigid pattern. If corrected earlier, it could help their mental health. Online learning is good for children, I believe they have more time to study online and with a good atmosphere.

Success to you Sir!

 5 months ago 

Thanks for the best wishes and also for the insights thrown on the said topic.


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