Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 16 - Week 4: "Children and Extracurricular Activities"

in Hindwhale Community3 months ago

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In what ways can extracurricular activities contribute to the physical and mental development of children?

I don't think any sane person would ever deny this fact: extracurricular activities do matter in physical and mental growth. Education alone isn't enough; we need to expose our kids to various experiences so they can fully utilize their abilities.

The main question is how exactly do extracurriculars influence a child's physical and mental health? Well, when kids engage in sports or physical activities, it boosts their stamina and energy. Playing sports teaches them discipline, teamwork, and patience.

Extracurriculars go a long way in enhancing the mental abilities of the child too. Music and art classes help children bring out their creativity. Debates, dramas, and poetry recitations prepare the children for a better-speaking skill. Science fairs and projects inject in them the spirit of inquiry and a desire to know.

Thus, extracurriculars not only aid in children's physical and mental growth but also prepare children for practical life. The activities teach them all the things needed for leading a balanced, moderate, and happy life.

Do children in today’s society genuinely enjoy extracurricular activities, or is their participation primarily driven by parental pressure?

This question is rather capturing: Do children actually like extracurriculars these days, or is it just due to pressure that parents make them take it up? The truth is, both scenarios exist.

On one hand, many children happily engage in extracurriculars because they find them fun. They participate in sports, music, art, drama, etc., out of interest, and not just as a time-pass. While some say that they are just wasting their time, I do not agree. And these very children often grow up to be successful in various fields of life, as everyone cannot be a doctor or an engineer.


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On the other hand, some parents push their children into extracurricular activities, believing it's essential for their future success. However, it's better for parents not to force their children but rather allow them to choose. Kids should enjoy extracurricular activities, not feel pressured into them. I think parents should know the disposition of their child and try to strike a perfect balance where the child is not overburdened but is also not deprived of everything at the same time.

Is participation in extracurricular activities a necessity for children’s development?

I believe that extracurricular activities are indeed a compulsion for children's physical, mental, and psychological developments. Education focuses mainly on intellectual development, while extracurriculars help in shaping well-rounded individuals.

Just imagine a child sticking to studies only and not involving himself in sports, music, art, drama, etc. What kind of development will he be going through? He will not become physically fit, and many other important skills like those of working in a team, leading others, time management will be completely missed. Even global organizations have given it importance in their surveys. Some major bodies like UNESCO have included participation in extracurricular activities as part of the right to education for children.

However, it's important to not prioritize extracurriculars over academics. Education should remain a priority, but complete human development goes beyond just academics.

What are the most beneficial extracurricular activities for children in the contemporary world?

The first and most important thing is their involvement in sports and games. Playing cricket, football, basketball, and swimming helps the children keep fit. Besides, playing the games assists them in developing stamina and coordination among them.

The second important activity is music and art; this gives the children a way to develop their creativity and self-expressing abilities. Singing a song or drawing some art gives a chance for a child to express his or her inner self.

Other activities, like debates, public speaking, and reciting poetry, are also highly beneficial for children. They do not only work for improving skills in speaking but also give opportunities to understand and speak on the global issues. This ability will give them great advantages for college and their future job.

Finally, I’d like to say that extracurricular activities pave the way for children's future success. Although they require time and effort now, they provide immense benefits in both career and life. Therefore, they should not be considered unnecessary.

I trust that you found the information in my article to be valuable. 😊

I would like to invite @paholags, @malikusman1, @irawandedy, @afrizalbinalka, @fjjrg, @mvchacin, @suboohi and @eliany to join this contest through this link, if they have not already taken part in it.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 19-Mar-2024 | Achievement 1
 3 months ago 

The love way you present your content, it's amazing. I agree that extracurriculars not only help in children's physical and mental growth but also prepare children for practical life, which is more important. It helps in the overall development of children.

More success and happiness to you. Take care:)

 3 months ago 

Thank you so much for the comment and appreciation. 😊

 3 months ago 

It is very beautiful that education can give children good character and education so they should be taught. Considering the physical aspect of the child, the child should be forced to do physical labor for a certain period of time, which keeps him physically fit. Religious education inculcates the child's sense of humanity. Your writing is excellent.

 3 months ago 

Thank you for stopping by my post and leaving such a thoughtful comment. I appreciate that. 😊

 3 months ago 

In today's society, children are less likely to participate in extracurricular activities than in curriculum-based schooling. In my nation, the school syllabus requires all children to participate in extracurricular activities. As a result, parents select activities that are appropriate for their abilities. Anyway, participating in extracurricular activities benefits a child's well-being.

 3 months ago 

Thanks for stopping by. 😊

 3 months ago 

My pleasure.

Thank you, @waqarahmadshah, for your insightful contribution to the discussion on children and extracurricular activities. You've highlighted the importance of extracurriculars in fostering both physical and mental development in children. Your emphasis on the need for a balanced approach, where children are not overburdened but still encouraged to participate in activities of their interest, is crucial. Encouraging children to engage in sports, music, art, and other activities not only contributes to their holistic development but also prepares them for practical life. Keep inspiring others with your thoughtful insights!

 3 months ago 

Thanks for engaging with my post. 😊


Banyak sekali latihan ekstrakurikuler yang dapat membuat anak lebih kreatif dan inovatif. Anak memiliki peluang untuk mendapatkan pengembangan secara keseluruhan dalam berbagai aspek.

Kita sebagai orang tua tentunya sangat mendukung untuk kebaikan anak kita, dan memberikan arahan agar mereka lebih baik.


 3 months ago 

Walikum salam. Thank you for the comment. 😊

I knew I won't be disappointed coming down here to read your entry for this contest. Trust me, your take on the subject is apt. I must also commend you for communicating your point in a very comprehensive manner. I wish you the very best my friend.

 3 months ago 

I'm glad you like it. 😊

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

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