“Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W3 - ‘Who Influences Children Most? Father, Mother, Teacher, Siblings, or Friends?’”

in Hindwhale Community5 months ago

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In what ways does a father significantly influence his children?

A father plays a massive role in his children's lives these days. Having a dad around is absolutely vital - it's huge. A good father guides his kids through every single aspect of life.

Through his life experiences and accomplishments, a father imparts invaluable lessons to his children. By recounting events from his own journey, he teaches them how to navigate the maze of society. He also warns them about his own mistakes so they don't stumble down those same paths. Smart move.

Through his strong character and habits, a father encourages his kids to become outstanding members of society. If he practices what he preaches morally, it's extremely likely the kids will adopt those same positive traits. Like father, like child, right?

A father provides his children with unwavering support in good times and bad. He's right beside them through every phase, continually advising them on progressing further in life. What a guy.

How does a mother exert a profound impact on her children?

A mother plays an absolutely indispensable role in her children's lives, no doubt. She's the first person kids learn genuine love and affection from. The effects of a caring mother linger permanently. As Napoleon famously said, "Give me good mothers, and I will give you a great nation" - showing just how vital moms are to society's success.

She teaches her children good morals and habits, like truthfulness, honesty, dedication, and hard work, which become the kids' foundation for success. A mother shows her kids how to properly live life. She imparts invaluable skills like controlling anger, respectfully dealing with others, honoring elders, and so on. This way, children learn to smoothly navigate life's many challenges.

Through her affection and nurturing care, a mother instills courage and optimism in her kids to tackle life head-on diligently. She's got their back every step of the way, helping them overcome any obstacle. A wise mother equips her children to earn respect in society. By teaching right from wrong, she molds them into hardworking, honest and virtuous individuals that everyone admires. Moms are the real MVPs.

Can you elaborate on the strong influence a teacher has on their students?

Teachers often make the first and deepest impact on children's young minds. At home, kids may take their parents' words with a grain of salt, but at school, a teacher's word is law. Whatever the teacher says is regarded as an absolute truth by the students.

It's from teachers that kids learn their manners and habits. Sure, parents act freely at home, but teachers always maintain a professional presence at school. Thus, children emulate their teachers to pick up etiquette, language, proper conduct, social graces and basic life civilities.

Teachers devote way more time to students than anyone else, plain and simple. Parents are busy with daily life, while teachers dedicate their entire workday solely to the children. In today's society, kids inevitably spend most of their waking hours under the watchful influence of their teachers.

With their vibrant and motivating personality, teachers guide children onto the right path, leaving a deep impact on them. If a teacher is hardworking, dedicated, and has a strong character, their students are likely to emulate those awesome qualities.

How do siblings contribute substantially to each other’s development?

Siblings play a huge role in each other's development, sharing a deep bond that impacts one another in both subtle and obvious ways. The friendly love between siblings during childhood is a wealth that has a profound effect on them.

Siblings assist one another during events when busy parents may be unavailable due to work obligations. This mutual support and togetherness instills a deep sense of fortitude and resilience.

Kids get significantly impacted when others comment about their sibling interactions too. If praised for their tight bond outside the home, it breeds more affection between them. Conversely, external criticism about conflicts can unfortunately drive them apart. Rough.

Could you explain how friends can have a strong influence on one another?

The saying that 'friends are forever' rings super true, but friendship comes with a vast scope of influence. Friends can have a profound impact on one another, both positively and negatively, no doubt about it.

Friends inevitably pick up habits from one another over time. If a friend maintains stand-up practices like punctuality, diligence, commitment and honesty, their buddies will naturally start emulating those positive qualities too. But sadly, bad habits like smoking, substance abuse or lying are equally contagious in the wrong friend group.

Friends deeply influence each other's mindsets, philosophies and overall perspectives on life too. Whatever viewpoints you constantly hear from a close friend gradually shapes your own way of thinking about things. An upright, virtuous friend elevates your outlook, while an unscrupulous, misguided friend can unfortunately corrupt it over time. Choose wisely!

Friends also substantially sway major life decisions, no questions asked. In difficult situations, it's loyal friends who counsel you, and based on their advice and influence, you end up making those big, momentous choices. Good friends steer you right, while shady ones can lead you astray, for real.

I trust that you enjoyed reading my article. 😊

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 10-Mar-2024 | Achievement 1
 5 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

La figura de los padres es elemental en los niños y, decidir quien influye más, es medio complicado porque, cada uno aporta su parte y, cuando falta uno, el otro no lo puede sustituir por más que lo intente ya que, técnicamente, no es su rol.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 5 months ago 

Thank you for engaging with my post and leaving a thoughtful comment. 😊

Seorang ayah dan ibu keduanya punya peran penting dan pengaruh yang kuat terhadap anak, kedua orang tua pasti akan menjaga, merawat dan membesarkan mereka juga tak lupa memberikan mereka ilmu pengetahuan dan wawasan dan ide.

Kedua orang tua harus menjadi contoh teladan yang baik bagi anak karena sang anak akan meniru perilaku orang tua mereka.

Salam semoga sukses 👍

 5 months ago 

Thanks for the comment. 😊

We live fully because we have a father. And Baba plays an important role in every aspect of us. Fulfills our small and big needs. So father is the most precious. And we also know that mother's contribution is the most. Mother guides us from childhood. Father gives good education and knowledge. Good luck to you @waqarahmadshah

 5 months ago 

Thank you for the comment. 😊

 5 months ago 

I agree with you but I believe parents have the biggest role in molding their children in the right way and when I say parents both have them a combined role to play especially in today's time when both are working.

 5 months ago 

Totally with you on that! When both parents team up, it makes a huge difference for the kids, especially nowadays with everyone juggling so much.

Amigo ciertamente es como lo has dicho el padre está más diseñado para dirigir y la madre para brindar los primeros signos de amor en un niño así mismo el maestro influye mentalmente por cuanto es un ejemplo a seguir y además está lleno de la experiencia que todo niño debe captar al momento de su desarrollo no solo académico sino también como individuo. Te deseo éxitos y bendiciones.

 5 months ago 

Thank you. 😊

 5 months ago 

Hello dear! Your thorough examination underscores the pivotal roles of fathers, mothers, teachers, siblings, and friends in shaping children's lives. Your emphasis on parents' guidance through life's challenges and teachers' profound impact on young minds is enlightening. Keep sharing such insightful content with us.Wish you success

 5 months ago 

I'm glad you like it. 😊

Your article provides a comprehensive exploration of the influences that shape children's development, ranging from the significant roles of parents, teachers, siblings, and friends. Each influence contributes uniquely to a child's growth, emphasizing the importance of positive role models and supportive relationships in fostering their well-being. Thank you for sharing your insightful perspectives on this topic!

Siblings' frequent connection and shared experiences have a significant impact on children's development. Sibling connections help with communication skills development, conflict resolution education, and socializing.

I wish you good luck in this child care engagement challenge my friend, have a nice weekend.

 4 months ago 

Thank you for engaging with my post. 😊

 5 months ago 

Hello friend

You shared how much the father's are improving to the kids, they guide them through their great words of encouragement and support to them through life experience as a guide for them to avoid mistakes and uphold good values. The mother instills good moral support and values to the kids showing them the right way to live. You highlighted this using the famous words of the Napolean which states "give me a good mother and I'll give you a great nation. That's indeed a good for thought. I enjoyed your entry and success in the challenge my dear friend

 5 months ago 

Thank you for the feedback. 😊


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