SEC S16W1: Which is More Important for Children’s Brain Development: Studying or Playing?

in Hindwhale Community5 months ago

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What is more important during childhood: playing or studying?

In my opinion, both playing and studying are important for kids. However, if I had to pick one over the other, I'd say playtime is essential during childhood.

Look, academic learning is definitely necessary. Children need to learn basic skills like reading, writing, and math to train their minds. But their personality and intelligence really develop through play. By playing, kids discover how the world works - they make decisions, learn about winning and losing, and develop teamwork.

Plus, play builds confidence. If they say something wrong in class, others might laugh. But if they miss kicking a goal in sports, no judgment. So, play is key for building self-confidence as a child. I've heard kids who play more end up more confident and outgoing as adults. And creativity comes from play too. In class, kids just memorize stuff. But during play, they implement their own ideas and strategies as situations change. This really boosts creative thinking.

This doesn't mean kids shouldn't study or go to school though. Academics are still important. By reading, children gain knowledge, improve their general awareness, and enhance their focusing and analytical skills. I believe balance is best - a few hours of play, a few of study every day. A mix of both is the optimal approach for a well-rounded childhood, in my view. Play, study, and some free time to recharge - this combo works perfectly. It prevents boredom and keeps their minds engaged.

Are children of the current generation falling behind in both academics and sports? If so, could you elaborate on the reasons?

I feel that yes, today's kids lag a bit in both studies and sports compared to previous generations. I mean, our childhoods were full of playing outside. We'd spend whole days on sports fields playing cricket or street games. But smartphones and the internet have changed everything for modern kids.

They're glued to their phones and video games all day rather than going out to play with friends. Obviously, this affects their health and social skills - they're missing out on what was easily available to us as kids.

Even academically, just textbook knowledge is useless without application and critical thinking, which come from sports and real-world interactions. But unfortunately, today's kids aren't getting those opportunities. So how can they compete with past generations who did physical activities?

Plus, competition has skyrocketed nowadays. We didn't have that kind of pressure growing up. But modern kids deal with huge expectations from parents, countless subjects to study, etc. It's obvious they'll get stressed. Neither their health nor focus can stay intact, and everything becomes average.

So yeah, I seriously think modern tech has limited children's learning and growth. It has pulled them into an artificial virtual world that disconnects them from reality. How can real talents and skills develop then?

Does online education prove beneficial for the children?

I'm doubtful about the upsides, but let me tell you - I don't think online learning provides any real advantage in case of kids. Yes, technology is crucial nowadays, but internet-based classes for kids don't seem right to me, unless there's an emergency like COVID. In fact, I think online education mostly exists because of the pandemic.

My view may be debatable, but here's why I think this. First, when kids physically attend school, they interact with friends. If everything's online, they'll just stare at a screen all day! That'll definitely hurt their eyes and posture. I've noticed concentration also drops in virtual classes. Playing outside and real-life interactions are key for children.

Second, effective teaching doesn't translate online. The student-teacher dynamic of physical classrooms can't be replicated virtually. If a student has an issue, the teacher may not even realize it. So, the level of comprehension also falls for kids.

Plus, group work is vital for building skills. How does that happen online? Sitting together, discussing ideas, sharing thoughts - that's limited on the internet. So, I don't think virtual education can truly benefit kids' learning and growth.

Yes, online access makes more educational resources available, like videos and materials. So, kids can acquire more information. But foundations and basics are still best learned in real classrooms. Online platforms may aid intellectual growth, but social and emotional development requires human interaction that the internet can't provide.

What impact does online education have on the children’s mental and physical health?

Virtual education definitely impacts children's mental well-being. Connectivity problems lead to frustration. Not grasping concepts properly causes tension sometimes. Constant screen-staring dampens moods. And without in-person socialization during breaks, loneliness creeps in.

There are physical consequences too, like weakened eyesight. Slouching is common from sitting at computers for hours. Lack of exercise leads to weight gain. All the typing causes wrist/finger pain.

I think parents should watch their kids for signs of distress and provide emotional support. Consulting doctors for screen time guidelines and nutrition advice helps too. Incorporating some traditional instruction now and then also provides flexibility. Ensuring physical activity is extremely important. Through such measures, the health effects can be lessened.

I trust that you enjoyed reading my article. 😊

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 27-Feb-2024 | Achievement 1
 5 months ago 

You have perfectly described the most critical points. We the parents are facing these problems in reality. It's hard to take them out of their dreamworld of gadgets and spend a lot of money to keep them busy in swimming pools and other outdoor activities just to keep them away from laptops and phones.

 4 months ago 

Parenting today requires a delicate balance between nurturing their digital world exploration and ensuring they remain grounded in the real one. But again you are right it is becoming increasingly difficult.

 5 months ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

La tecnología es una excelente herramienta, pienso que esto jamás lo vamos a dudar pero, lamentablemente su uso a nivel educativo se ha implementado de manera incorrecta y, a raíz de ello es que vemos como cada día separa más al niño de actividades deportivas o en su defecto, las educativas ya que, los niños cuando a usan, no es para aprender sino, para que les resuelva la tarea.

Agradezco mucho tu apoyo, un fuerte abrazo💚

 5 months ago 

Thanks for sharing your thoughts! 😊

 5 months ago 

Greetings dear friend,

Thank you very much for presenting us with a beautiful post.

Your words are very good, according to you both are very beneficial for kids, and it's good for us actually this virtual education is never good for a child, it can stress them and cause all problems, nice to read your post. Best wishes to you,

 5 months ago 

I'm glad you like it. 😊

I completely agree! Finding that balance between play and study is key for a wholesome childhood. Your insights on the impact of technology and the benefits of real world interactions are spot on. Its refreshing to hear someone emphasizing the importance of traditional classrooms. Best of luck in the contest!

 5 months ago 

Thanks for the comment. 🙂

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