The diary game for 30/06/2024 // I cooked pasta for my kids today

in Hindwhale Communitylast month

Assalamu Alaikum

i am mishu Hope everyone is well. Today I woke up at seven in the morning. I woke up at seven in the morning and got fresh. Freshened up, I woke up my children. Then let the children freshen up. Then I left my children in the room and went to the kitchen. I go to the kitchen and make breakfast. Today I fry eggs and make bread for us. And khichuri for my kids. After preparing the khichuri, I came to the room.


I came to the room and saw my children watching the rain outside the window. Today it was raining since early morning. I fed khichuri with eggs to my kids. They ate khichuri with great fun. Then I came to the kitchen and washed the dirty plates and bowls. Then I cleaned the room and bed. There were some dirty clothes. I went to the bathroom and cleaned them. Then I went to the roof with the clothes. I let the clothes dry in the air on the roof. There is no sun today. The rain has also stopped. Then I stayed on the roof for some time. On the roof, I saw both flowers and fruits on the henna tree. The flowers of the henna tree looked amazing. And the fruit of the henna tree was dripping with water. And the surroundings looked incredibly beautiful. As if nature is dressed in its own form today. Then I came to the room. I came to the room and went to the kitchen to cook for lunch. I got everything ready. Then I started cooking.


It was around 1 pm to do some kitchen work and cooking. Today I cooked my favorite dry roast and vegetables. After cooking I bathed my kids. I myself became fresh. Then we all had lunch together. I put my kids to sleep at noon like every day. And I rested for some time.


Rested in the afternoon, I cooked pasta with eggs for my children. After a while my kids woke up. I refreshed them. Then I let them eat pasta. I then went to the roof with my children. My children were playing on the roof and I was walking on the roof. There were pigeons in the house of some pigeons on the roof. Some are white And some are black. Then I took a picture of the pigeon.


It was evening. Earlier in the evening I came to the room with my children. I came to the room and saw some flies sitting on the floor. My kids spilled tomato sauce on the floor while eating pasta in the afternoon. I immediately cleaned the floor. Then I set Wafi to teach. IIFA was sitting next to it. Then I cooked dinner. Had dinner at 9 pm. After dinner, I came to the room and saw a baby lizard walking on the wall. Then I cleaned the bed and put the children to sleep.


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