The diary game for 06/06/2024 // I went for a walk in the village road this morning

in Hindwhale Community21 days ago

Assalamu Alaikum

I woke up at six in the morning and walked outside the house for a kilometer as usual. In the morning, the streets of the village look incredibly beautiful. The bamboo streams of the village on the banks of the village pond looked incredibly beautiful. I was walking on the road in the morning and enjoying it. Then I came home and made breakfast. My parents, my kids woke up by then. We all ate breakfast together at home. I went to the roof garden of my house after having breakfast as usual. I went to the garden and planted pumpkins and gourds. I picked them up from the tree.


Then I came home and made the bed I cleaned the furniture in my room. Then I went to the kitchen to cook. I cut vegetables. I took out the fish from the refrigerator. It took a lot of time to prepare them. Then I started cooking. It was almost 12 noon while cooking. I took a bath after doing some work in the kitchen. Bathed my children. I fed them lunch and put them to sleep. I and everyone in the house sat together and ate lunch.

After lunch, I thought to go to see if our jackfruit tree has ripened. Not a single jackfruit tree has ripened, all are still raw. I went to the banana garden and saw that the bananas were ripe. So I plucked ripe bananas and came home. The body felt very tired after coming home. So I rested in bed. I can't tell when I fell asleep to rest.


It's almost afternoon. woke up. After waking up fresh, I am sitting in the yard and drinking tea. Today my mother made me tea. I am having tea and our pet dog is sitting in the yard. He seems very hungry. So I gave him some food. I saw a lot of flowers blooming in the flower trees in the yard. Which looked nice Now the flowers are blooming almost every day. My son and daughter were eating bananas in the yard. And I was having tea. Small red ants are congealed on the part of a slightly ripe banana that has fallen to the ground.


It was almost evening. I came to the room with my children. I made my son study like everyday. And I let the girl play with toys. After teaching the elder son, I watched TV for some time. Then we had dinner together. Then I put the two boys and girls to sleep. After putting them to sleep, I read a book for some time. I fell asleep after reading the book. Then I cleaned the bed and applied mosquito nets.

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