“Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing?"

in Hindwhale Community7 months ago

My loving greetings to all my Steemian friends,

My participation in this Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W1 - "What is more important for children's brain development: studying or playing?" Hosted by the honorable @hindwhale in the Hindwhale community

I thanks to my friend @cruzamilcar63 for inviting me for this contest.

In all the societies of the world, new experiments are being done continuously in the field of education and new influences are being used keeping in mind the mental and physical development of children and the help of psychologists and physical teachers is also being taken in this for mental and physical development. .

Children's mind and body are very soft. Whatever form they have to be molded into, its foundation is laid from childhood itself.

What is more important for children in their childhood, playing or studying?

We have been told since childhood that both sports and studies are equally important for the all-round development of a human being. Children are started studying as soon as they turn 3 years of age and nowadays many educationists believe that children should study while playing games in the initial phase of their studies, this will give them fun and their knowledge will increase.

That is why good and foundation schools for children teach only through sports for the mental and physical growth of children. This also keeps the children interested in going to school, otherwise the child starts shying away from going to a school only for studies. And as a result, he also becomes a victim of his parents' anger.
That is why I believe that playing is as important as playing in childhood, and reading is equally important. And if this study is done while playing, then it is the best.

Are today's children lagging behind in studies and sports? If yes, explain the reason.
I do not think that today's children are lagging behind in studies, rather I think that in our new education methods, very informative education is being given to the young children. I remember that a few years ago children did not know many things of general knowledge.

But today's child has a lot of knowledge in matters of education. In many schools, time is fixed for sports in which they are made to do physical activities, and now because parents are also being careful about the mental development as well as physical development of their children, hence they encourage their children to do physical sports. Encourage for. And motivate them and give them some time to play.

Is online education useful to your children?
The whole world faced the lockdown during the Corona transition period, and from here online classes were started in schools. Under the compulsion of that lockdown, children's education was also very important, hence the online studies done in those days were very useful. But under normal circumstances children should be taught in the classroom only.

This makes it very easy for children to interact with their classmates and teachers and get answers to their questions. In an online class, the teacher completes his time by teaching like playing a record. And children do not get answers to the questions arising in their minds, nor are they able to come in mental and physical contact with their classmates, which increases the imbalance in both their mental and physical development.

That is why I believe that unless there is some compulsion, online education is not useful for children.

How does online education impact your children's mental and physical health?
In online education, children study in a stereo type, as I have written above, neither they get the opportunity to meet their classmates nor their teachers physically, so their intelligence cannot develop all round.

And studying online at home also leads to indiscipline, laziness and carelessness in children. To go to school, children have to bathe, wash, change clothes, comb their hair and keep their body fit. But in online education, both children and parents become careless.

That is why online education leaves adverse effects on the physical and mental health of children. But in times of compulsion, the acceptance of online education cannot be denied.

Thank you very much for reading my point of view, I also invite to my friend to participate in this contest::




Si la educación en el presente es muy informativa, quiere decir que los niños no están recibiendo una educación basada en la experiencia, en conocimientos que les ayude a comprender su entorno y a poner en práctica lo que se aprende en esa realidad. Es por ello que, tal como señala, la escuela es un lugar indispensable donde el pequeño, además de conocimiento, aprende un sinfín de cosas para su vida. Éxitos en este desafío, amigo. Saludos...

 7 months ago 

Hola, amigo,
Se ha escrito mucho al respecto, y la realidad es que los niños de cualquier país deciden el futuro de cualquier nación, por eso es importante que reciban una educación adecuada y justa. Además, también es muy importante que se mantengan sanos.
Gracias de corazón por tu comentario.

 7 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

Si bien es cierto que la educación informativa es vital, esta también debe ser dinámica porque, cuando los niños aprenden con juegos, el aprendizaje es significativo por ello, en estos casos hay que ser equitativos.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 7 months ago 

Hola, amigo,
Tu importante comentario significa mucho para mí.
Te lo agradezco de todo corazón.

I think you are right, good foundation schools with all the social amenities that can help develop these children when they are still tender is the best for every child. Playing is important and studying is also important, children at their tender age learn very fast and whatever they learn stays, that is why a playful environment is needed for their mental development.

Success to you sir!

 7 months ago 

Thank you my learned friend,
You have given a very factual comment, I am very happy that you also agree with me.


Excelente participación amigo gracias por la invitación 👍

 7 months ago 

Thank You very much.

 7 months ago 

Hello friend greetings to you. Hope you are doing well and good.

I believe both things are important for a child nurturing and brain development. Studying is the mental exercise in a way, while playing or enjoyment time is you call relaxation time. Both make the brain strengthen and good.

Best wishes for the contest dear friend.

 7 months ago 

hello my friend,
Thank you very much very valuable comment.

Your perspective highlights the importance of physical sports for children's development and raises concerns about the impact of online education on their mental and physical health. The lack of direct interaction with teachers and classmates, coupled with the potential for indiscipline and laziness, are noted as drawbacks. It is a thoughtful perspective, and I appreciate you sharing it.

 7 months ago 

Thank you my friend,
Thank you for your beautiful comment and praise on my post, sorry for the delay. There was some health issue. Still not completely healthy.
No problem, I bless you to get all the happiness in life. have a nice day.

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