What are your Expectation from Steem Representatives by @sumayaorinsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Hindwhale Community10 months ago

I'm @sumayaorin, from #Bangladesh.

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Hello, esteemed Steemit community members,

I trust you are all experiencing a fulfilling time on this extraordinary platform. I am thrilled to participate in this contest and to share my reflections on the topic of "Expectations from Steem Representatives." In April , I embarked on my Steemit adventure, and let me tell you, it's been a thrilling ride! I've had an absolute blast and feel incredibly lucky to have crossed paths with some awesome Steemit representatives. They've been like the friendly wizards of wisdom and encouragement, lighting up my Steemit journey with their guidance and support.

Let's get into the nitty-gritty of what I'm expecting:

What are you expecting from your Steem Representatives

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I'm expecting our Steem Representatives to be the superheroes of this digital realm! They should be the guiding lights , the visionaries, and the heartbeats of this community. My expectations are high, and rightfully so! I want them to champion transparency, fairness, and inclusivity. These fantastic individuals should ensure our playground (Steemit) is not just thriving but also nurturing for all of us. Let's root for leaders who can truly represent our collective interests and build a Steemit utopia!

Your questions to Steem Representatives

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I've got a few burning questions for our Steem Representatives. I'd love to know their grand plans and visions for Steemit's future. How do they plan to keep us all engaged and excited? What's the secret sauce to boost user retention and improve content quality? How do they plan to kick those pesky trolls out of the playground? And, oh, I'm super intrigued about their plans for connecting with the larger blockchain and crypto world to put Steemit on the map!

Which help you need from Steem Representaives

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Help, anyone? Well, I believe our Steem Representatives can be our trusty guides on this thrilling journey. I'd love to see them spearheading educational initiatives for newcomers, like step-by-step tutorials. Topics like "How to Withdraw Your Steemit Earnings" and "The Art of Converting Crypto on Steemit" would be pure gold for us newbies. Let's make information accessible and empower everyone to thrive on this platform.

Your major doubt in Steemit. Do you need tutorial post for your doubts (you can also mention representaive to clear your doubt) ?

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My major doubt? Well, let's talk about cryptocurrency wizardry! I've had my moments of confusion about how to work that wallet magic and power up my account. So, yes, I'm all in for tutorial posts or even direct guidance from our representatives. Clear and concise guidance can be a game-changer, especially for us newcomers trying to navigate this crypto wonderland.

Share some best thing about Steem Representatives.

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The best things about Steem Representatives? How do I start? They are constantly prepared to intervene and save the day, like the friendly neighborhood super heroes. They bridge the gap between the community and the mighty platform governance. Their commitment to listening to our concerns and championing our ideas is like a warm virtual hug. And let's not forget the incredible support and encouragement they shower on us, especially the newcomers! They make Steemit feel like home.

In conclusion, buckle up, folks! Our Steem Representatives are here to make Steemit soar to new heights. They're our mentors, cheerleaders, and advocates. I'm excited to learn from them, engage with them, and see how they'll continue to shape the incredible Steemit universe. Cheers to the journey ahead!


I would like to invite my friends @goodybest @ridwant @eliany @edmund.nef @radjasalman @lirvic to participate in this contest.


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Of course! Your hope is the hope of all of us. they SRs for the country have more value, ability, time and their great experience on the platform. They are visionaries and motivators for all users to grow and develop together to build a more advanced platform.

I hope they will be our shining armor for the betterment of the user in the Steemit platform .I want to wish them best for doing their duties. And Thank you so much for your valuable comment on my post.

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