Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing?

Assalamu walaikum to all my steemit friends

Salutations, dear readers! I'm excited to take on the challenging task of determining what's critical to our kids' brain development since I find the long-standing argument between play and learning fascinating. I would like to share my thoughts on some personal questions: how much sports experience matters in life, and I have two children that I will be raising. In an effort to make my experience with you more interesting, I'm sharing it with you.

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What is more important for children in their childhood, playing or studying?

The lovely growth of childhood: playtime versus study time. Consider this: While the play is a child's favourite activity, it also acts as a superhero cape for their development on social, emotional, and cognitive levels. Our children learn to conquer the world through play. My daughter's victory in the school-sponsored sports competition is a recent example of this. It gave my daughter a great deal of knowledge, courage, and confidence; she pushed boundaries and went on wild adventures.

Imagine life as this vast, beautiful chaos. This is the developmental stage for creativity, emotional intelligence, and problem-solving skills. In addition to the subjects that will be taught, athletics teaches children many other things.Formal study, methodical learning, and textbooks make up our educational system. This is the source of the secret skills and knowledge our kids have. laying the foundation for academic success. Finding the perfect balance between study and play is essential to making sure that our young explorers not only embrace their curiosity via play but also gather the building blocks needed for an excellent educational journey.

Today's children are behind in studies and sports? If yes, explain why

Yes, it appears to me that younger people are falling behind in both sports and academics. Due to cell phones, today's youngsters are falling behind in both academics and athletics. Kids spend all of their free time sitting down with their phones. These days, kids are overly preoccupied with their games and friend conversations, and a lot of pornographic content is available on cell phones. This is among the causes of kids' lack of interest in sports or education.

Sports and study time are at a premium. While some children prefer to study and don't want to waste time playing physical games, others just want to play. These are kids who only care about cricket, hockey, or football.As a result, children who do well in school become completely focused on their studies and quit playing video games that require physical activity, whereas children who perform poorly in school lose interest in learning and become more concentrated on playing video games. But children must finish school at least, and in physical education programs like cricket and football.

Is online education useful to your children?

I think kids can benefit from internet learning, but parents should be properly guiding and keeping an eye on them. These days, everything is simple because of internet technology, and anything one needs can be found online. It is really nice when a child can comprehend effectively through the use of high-quality sound and video images on the internet and finds studying to be easy. However, this is only the case when parents supervise their children and guide them in the proper way. Give only then, as profanity on the internet has become the norm.

How does online education effect your children's mental and physical health ?

While there are many advantages for kids to receive their education online, there are drawbacks as well. Children who receive their education online can comprehend the subject matter better thanks to the audio-visual aids; nevertheless, if education is only provided online, there is a greater likelihood that children's ability to focus will be compromised. Consequently, I think that if kids are receiving internet instruction, they ought to be dispatched outside to play games with their friends every two hours or so. The likelihood of youngsters developing mobile psychosis is quite low when this is done.


In this sense, children's brain growth depends on both learning and play. They are comparable to a coin's two sides. Studies yield knowledge, and to apply that knowledge, physical activity is also required to build muscle. Parental guidance is considerably more crucial for both. Because a tree only needs water when it is a plant. When a tree reaches maturity, its roots penetrate the earth so far that they may absorb water from anywhere. In this sense, even in old age, people need children and still require parental guidance.


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