" My Favorite Food Of Winter by @sinthiyadisha".

Assalamu walikum to all my souls.

My Favorite Food Of Winter.png

By Allah's grace, I am well and healthy as well, and I hope that everyone else is too, during these winter months. The winter days are very short in our country, and on these days we like to eat certain traditional foods that we do not like to eat in the summer. @pea07, thank you so much for starting this competition between us. To catch up, we can share our wintertime food preferences here.

Winter's Delight: Tell us about your favorite food of winter.

Bangladesh, the country where I live, has six distinct seasons, with the winter being one of the most pleasant due to its two-month duration. I really like to drink tea that has been infused with molasses, like this one. Jaggery is used to make many different dishes, including Kheer, Patisapta Pitha, Vapa Pitha, and several sweets. As a child, I used to make moya at my grandmother's house using murri and jaggery, and I also like to eat murri with jaggery.
which was incredibly delightful to eat. I am obsessed with anything that has jaggery in the winter. That is why jaggery is one of my favourite foods in the winter.

Traditional or Cultural Connection:Is it a traditional winter food in your country? Do you eat this food every day or occasionally?

These national specialties are, of course, made more in the winter; in the days before, most homes would use their grandmothers' jaggery to make a variety of pitha, or sweets. In contemporary times, pitha can be considered our nation's traditional winter fare; while not always consumed, these dishes are nonetheless enjoyed on occasion. Pitha is exceptionally well organized in the winter. There is a sweet smell released when jaggery burns in the oven. Pita is not as popular among this age group of children.

Secret Ingredients: Any secret ingredients that make the food special?

Eating pithas in the winter is a lot of fun. A common practice is to combine rice powder and jaggery to make a variety of pithas, and polao rice is often used to make jaggery milk. However, there is a hidden component in all jaggery dishes: coconut. One ingredient that enhances the flavor of our incredibly crispy pita is coconut. After the coconut has been carefully selected, it must be combined with molasses. The pita's coconut and molasses flavors are incredibly delicious. And this component gives the dishes their unique flavor

Nourishment Factor: is it nourishing winter food for you, or is there any health benefit from this food?

Naturally, each of these herbs is beneficial to health. In addition to being enjoyable to eat, every component in this winter meal is extremely nutritious and contains different nutrients that give our bodies the variety of energy, fiber, and vitamins that are vital to good health. There are numerous advantages for Apart from coconut, jaggery, milk, and malai, all of these foods are nutritious and good for our health. Rice powder is used to make pitha, which gives our bodies a lot of nutrients.

Recommendation: Do you recommend this food to taste others

Of course, I should add that this national dish is something that everyone can enjoy. Our national pies are tasty and packed with nutrients. Furthermore, pithas come in a variety of forms; while the elements stay the same, one of their characteristics is their ability to be created into many different forms. Without tasting these three ingredients—rice powder, coconut milk, and jaggery—no one can comprehend the variety of dishes that can be prepared with them. For this reason, I would heartily encourage everyone to try this dish at least once.


I would like to invite my friends @goodybest @ridwant @dove11 @radjasalman to participate in this contest


Thank you

 last year 

শীতের প্রতিটি পিঠায় আমার বেশ ভালো লাগে। তবে এই ভাপা পিঠা আমার সবচেয়ে পছন্দের। তবে এই পিঠা গরম খাবার থেকে ঠান্ডা অবস্থায় খেতে আমার সবথেকে বেশি ভালো লাগে। আমার মা মাঝে মাঝে এই শীতের সময় পিঠা বানিয়ে দেন। যা আমি ফ্রিজে রেখে পরের দিন ঠান্ডা করে খেতে পছন্দ করি। এবং আমি মনে করি যে বাইরের পাসপোর্ট খাবার থেকে বাসায় তৈরি এই সকল পিঠাপুলি তৈরি করে খাওয়া অনেক ভালো। শুভকামনা

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