Today i spent normal day with variety works with healthy dishes

in Hindwhale Communitylast month


Hello all my steemit community friends and Have a great day and Today i am going to share today's diary game with variety activities with variety homemade healthy dishes. How today i spent today's total time with rural view and now i am sharing, let's start

Like everyday i woke up from sleeping very early morning and became fresh and took some rest and ate breakfast manu. Actually I am not good health, i am always feeling uneasy and don't get energy. I ate chire and ghur. After eating this breakfast manu,i went to visit of Bauri para for bringing ration from ration shop. After reaching there ,i captured some excellent village view and i hope everyone will enjoy this excellent village life and village view. There i maintained serial many times and felt very ill. After taking ration,me and my father took rest under big bot tree. I captured some rural views and Started to walk and arrived my home by walking.

After reaching my home and i did bathing and took some rest and saw today's variety news in YouTube. I ate lunch manu and today's launch manu was ladies finger's bharta recipe, eggplant fry recipe and jhinge chorchori recipe. Every dishes were so yummy and plantbased vegan dish. After eating launch manu,i took some rest and sleep two hours and studied sometimes.

At afternoon i walked nearby home and enjoyed rural views so much. When one farmer came with cow in front of my,i captured that moments. Becides i took some shots and left water from before. After that I sat to read in bed and studied one hour and spent sometimes in steemit community and thus i spent today's total day with variety works with plantbased vegan dish and i hope everyone will enjoy this all moments.

Many thanks all my community friends

Regards @simaroy

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