"Steemit Engagement Challenge S13W2- “What is the most popular employment in your country ?"

Greetings Everyone, This is SHOHANA From #Bangladesh

Another interesting topic I've found today and it is about employment, Ai technology and more. This is a hot topic of discussion and it connect technology to our life. In the past people had less stress on having job, feeding family because they had abundance but now life is getting taugh and having a job or employment is like a war. Tough competition can be found in each job sector.

Lack of skills and proper education seems make things more complicated and now technology bring artificial intelligence that better known as AI. It can't replace human brain but it can replace the human labour. I'm talking about robots that can replace with the human labour, as a result many employment sector will shut down for human and opportunities for job seekers or human employees will no longer available.


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What are the most popular employment in your country?

My country still known as agricultural country though we have other working sector that has popularity. 70% of our population depend on agriculture to earn their livelihoods. In the past it was 80% as I read about it in the books when I was in primary school.

Beside agriculture there are some working sector that popular in my country like public domain, teaching and education, construction, transportation, banking and finance, health care, IT and software development and more. But Agriculture is in the top since the days of our ancestor. I also have interest in farming and nature is my top priority.


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Do you believe "AI" will help or create problems in the job market?

Honestly whenever I think about AI, nothing positive comes to my mind. I'm not sure if this will help or not but I smell trouble for this innovation. It can bring trouble for job seekers after completing academic education with zero skill. I believe the reason behind educated unemployment is lacking of skill. We are living in an age of technology and fierce competition where everything and everyone can be replaced with alternatives so having high skills can help educated people to get a better position in the job sectors.

AI can't be replace with the brain of we human but it can be done some human tasks very faster and can save time as well. So when a employer have alternative to human in affordable price then why he going to appoint you for his company or job? We human has limitations like we can work faster like machines or robots so here artificial intelligence is a step ahead to us. If AI can replace man power completely then definitely its a threat for we human life. Hope you all get my point on this.


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How to reduce rising unemployment

Reducing rising unemployment is not a matter that can resolve over a night. But it can be resolved if we human use our brain more and develop our skill in different sector. This earth is for all rounders and it needs practice, hardwork, dedication, focus and research. Parents should train their children in various professional skills along with academic studies and This will help them in their future and the curse of unemployment will not affect their lives.

Government can play a vital role to reduce rising unemployment by arranging defferent free or low paid training for educated unemployed individuals and arrange job placement opportunity after after completion of the training period. Still self help is the best and when educated people will invest time on research and bring a money making way for them that will be a great thing. Many educated unemployed people practice outsourcing online by sharing skill and this is the self help that can help them to be their own boss and also help them bringing financial stability.

An individual with high quality skill hardly sleep empty stomach which means they don't have need of work, they bring working opportunities for themselves and earn their own livlihoods. I appreciate them and follow them as well.


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Love & Peace ❤️😇

A #steemexclusive Blog Written By @shohana1



Hola amiga la agricultura es excelente y desarrollándola de la mejor manera es eficiente y genera buen empleo e ingresos...

Es muy ciero lo que mencionas no se puede comparar la mente del ser humano con la de la IA, nosotros pensamos, sentimos, y jamás una máquina reemplazará eso...

Yes my friend, machines can't replace human mind and emotions and we are indeed lucky!

The most popular employment in my country is teaching
I'd make sure that I join this challenge
Thanks for sharing

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

Where are you from? I encourage you to join and teaching is great source of income and earning respect too.

I am from Nigeria

La verdad es que pensando un poco en tu públicacion caigo en cuenta de que estás en lo cierto, la IA por más avanzada e innovadora que sea no puede traer 100% de beneficios a quien las use.
Pero está siendo creada por la misma mente humana que esta perfectamente creada para hacer cosas maravillosas.
Trabajo hay ,de muchos tipos el problema es que son mal pagados.

En mi país muchos profesionales trabajan por su cuenta como taxistas, buhoneros etc. De esa manera se ha sobrevivido a la crisis económica.
La agricultura es mal pagada por acá y es muy agotador el trabajo.

Feliz noche. Y gracias por la invitación,está tarde subí mi contenido, si gustas puedes leerlo. 🤗

Agriculture is poorly paid here too and I think the story of farmers is same everywhere, specially Asian farmers work for it hard and earn small amount of profit. Thanks for stopping by 💖

Agriculture is indeed a good way to employ yourself because it is easy but sometimes risky because the crops may not produce well.
But it's good to hear that agriculture is the best way to employ people in your country though is is stressful and pay little but at least it's still better than to stay idel.

By learning trade skills the rate of employment will be reduced in your country.

Sending heavenly blessings from Nigeria 🇳🇬 and have a nice day 🤗

The presence of AI does seem like a threat but in the end it's just a tool to deliver better services.
I agree with you with the adoption of quality skills. People will such skills are always in need, and that can serve as a means of getting out of this unemployment tug of war. Businesses and Companies want people that have something to offer that they don't currently have and that's a fact.

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