Contest | "Book Knowledge vs Practical Knowledge"

in Hindwhale Community3 months ago
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Dear Steemians,

How are you? Hope all are well by the grace of Almighty Allah. I am well by His mercy. Today I come to participate in the contest "Book Knowledge vs Practical Knowledge". Many thanks to dear @aviral123 for choosing this wonderful and important contest topic for us. I am very happy for taking part in this interesting contest. Now I am going to present my conception on this topic with you.

Difference between bookish knowledge and practical knowledge



Brothers and sisters we are all educated here and we all know that there is a big difference between bookish knowledge and practical knowledge. Although there are differences between them, both of them have a lot of importance in our life. If we first talk about bookish knowledge then we can say that it is the knowledge which is acquired by studying, reading, memorizing and learning various articles about a particular subject and following certain rules through books at various institutions. Bookis knowledge is theoretical. On the other hand, practical knowledge is acquired through practical actions. Practical knowledge is the practice application of the knowledge that we gain by reading books. Practical knowledge is more needed than bookish knowledge to manage any work.

Which knowledge (bookish knowledge and practical knowledge ) has more impact in our life?


I am not belittling any knowledge both have importance in our life. But according to me, practical knowledge is more important in our life. The reason is that we need practical knowledge to apply the knowledge we read in books to our real life. Practical knowledge helps us in many ways like solving problems, making decisions and leading life properly. The knowledge we gain from books only lightens our minds. Everything is explained in a very difficult way in the book which makes it difficult for us to understand. So if we apply the practical knowledge gained from books in real life then life will be nice and easy. Finally we can say that the role of practical knowledge is essential in our life.

What kind of knowledge does a person gain experience from?



If we are to gain experience in something then we must have practical knowledge. We become experienced and proficient in any task if we try it repeatedly. A person cannot be experienced until he can apply the knowledge of books in real life. The knowledge we acquire through books only gives us guidance to do something perfectly. On the other hand an experienced trainer can teach us better than bookish knowledge. So we all should gain knowledge by applying practical knowledge to become experienced.

Does practical knowledge bring us face to face with life experience? Express your views on this



Yes, of course practical knowledge makes our life face experience because it finds a way to show what we are acquiring through books and usage. Also practical knowledge helps us solve problems in real life by applying experience and knowledge. This practical knowledge helps us deal with various situations gracefully through our experience.

I want invite @memamun, @abdul-rakib and @rahulkazi to participate in this interesting contest if they didn't take part in this contest.



Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 3 months ago 

Your insightful reflection beautifully highlights the synergy between bookish and practical knowledge. While both hold significance, practical knowledge, derived from hands-on experience, serves as the bridge to real-life application, enriching our understanding and problem-solving skills. It's through practical knowledge that we truly embody the essence of learning, facing life's challenges with wisdom gained from experience.

Thank you so much for your valuable comment


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