Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing?

in Hindwhale Community5 months ago

Assalamu Alaikum
Hello Everyone.
I am @selina1

From #Bangladesh


Hi steemit friends, how are you all? Hope
everyone is well. Alhamdulillah, I am fine too. Come to the hindwhale community to participate in a great engagement challenge. The theme of the engagement challenge is “Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing?” So let's begin.


Children's childhood sports or education which is more important?

Both sports and studies play an important role in children's childhood. Children's minds are innocent. They want to do what they like. Nothing should be imposed on them. But in order to be a human being and to reach the peak of development in life, he has to study from childhood. However, if there is no time for sports in addition to studies, then every child can have mental problems. Studying develops children's intelligence and sports reduces children's mental stress.

For a child's life to be lived to the fullest, he must do both sports and studies. Just as education helps improve a child's life, sports builds a child's well-being. Many a times children struggle to study and get stressed. In that case, if the children play sports during their free time of studies, they will get rid of the asthma and the mental state will be fine. So I would say a child needs sports as well as studies.


Today's children are behind in studies and sports? If yes, explain why.

Today children are ahead in the field of studies but they are lagging behind in the field of sports. I am saying from my experience that when I was a child I used to play a lot in the field with my friends along with my studies. In this digital era, children have almost forgotten that. Earlier, children used to play a lot with their friends in the green fields and their minds were good. In spending time in nature with each other, these sports often developed a lot of talent from nature. Currently there is no playground where children can play with their friends. At present, children are under house arrest. However, even though village children can play in the fields, city children cannot. That is, children in the city are getting the opportunity to play on the Internet or at home.


Nowadays, many parents want their son or daughter to get good results in studies but they often forget that their children also need to play sports. A child must spend time in sports as well as studies to develop intelligence and stay healthy.


Is online education useful for your children?

We have to remember that whether our children are getting education offline or online, we need to see if they are getting real education. But now more than ever, people are paying attention to online education. It is a good thing that children can now study to keep up with the world. But now is the age of information technology so children should know and learn about information technology from childhood. The online class is also a good way to develop the intelligence of children in that it falls into information technology. Through online education, children can now spend good time at home. Through online education, children can acquire various knowledge through information technology. Through online classes, children are exposed to information technology from an early age. can learn to use. So online education is very useful for a child.


How does online education affect your children's mental and physical health

Online education affects the child's mental and physical health. When children were in school, they had more friends and spent more time in school. Nowadays in online education children spend time at home and spend time online chatting with friends or video calling, audio calling. In that case I mean that children are almost becoming house arrest because they are studying online at home and spending time with friends. spending If the children went to school as before, they could go back to nature and perform all adaptations to the social environment.

In addition, children used to spend a lot of time playing sports with their friends when they went to school, but now that they have to study online at home, they cannot spend that time with their friends. But nowadays kids can spend time at home through online education and can play sports at home too which means kids have time besides studies which can be spent on sports activities. In that case it can be said that the online education system affects the child physically and mentally.


Thank you all for reading my post

I would like to invite some of my friends to this contest. They are, @eliany @chasad75 @sandimal @goodybest




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Children are lovely creatures that does not require rigidity when it come to studies. They love learning and playing which I agree is a good measure for their mental development. Most times online education can be frustrating for the children because they don't get to meet their friends, and that is where their social lives begin to depreciate and this makes them isolate themselves from other children when need be. But online education is good for children because it helps them study and learn fast.

Success to you!


First of all thank you for inviting me in this contest. I already took part in it few minutes before.

For children both playing and studying is important. We can't just force them to study because it will negatively affect their brain and physical health. Also we can't let them play all day because it will also destroy their future.

So I think a balanced life is better not only for children but also for adults.

Thank you for sharing your advice and thoughts on this topic. I wish you best of luck :)

 5 months ago 

Greetings dear friend,

Thank you very much for presenting us with a beautiful post.

Your words are true, now study rate is reduced compared to earlier, now everyone is focused online, before there was no online everyone was focused on studies and friends, but now online class means wasting time here chatting and watching stupid videos. Yes, and therefore certainly us They should be taken care of. Nice to read your post, wish you well.

Of course brother nothing is too good just like we need education just like sport is very necessary for our health. Thank you for a nice comment.

 5 months ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

El deporte tiene la facultad de enseñarle a los niños de manera lúdica a adquirir hábitos y ser disciplinados por ello, hay que hacer lo esencial de tener estas actividades en su cotidianidad y, ciertamente, está siendo muy golpeada por la tecnología pero, de nuestra parte queda corregir eso.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

Yes sister I agree with you every guardian should be responsible for our children in terms of sports and studies. Thank you very much for a meaningful comment.

I believe that offline classes is very useful for all and also it will never affect children's physical and mental health and when they go to school they will play with their friends in ground and enjoy their day very well.
Thanks for sharing your opinion

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