SEC-S16/W2 - "Childhood trauma and incidents: how do they affect our children's life? "

in Hindwhale Community6 months ago
Greetings everyone of Hindwhale Community

Today, I am here to participate in the contest announced this week POST LINK

Before I move ahead, I would love to invite @stef1, @radjasalman, and @o1eh to participate in this contest.

While working in three NGOs, I have seen so many brutal incidents that we can't even imagine! Often, we groan to GOD about whatever we do have and compare ourselves with those who have more than us.

But once we move our focus a bit and think that if the almighty blessed us with perfectly healthy bodies, we have clothes to protect our bodies, and have shelter, then we are the luckiest in my perspective.

Because some scenarios make me comprehend the above in practical life!

We have some questions, so you just answer them and have fun in the process:

The questions asked inside the contest are not at all fun;
but that is a serious topic in every country!

What are the problems faced by children, & which are all childhood traumas?

As I cited overhead while functioning in three distant NGOs,
The most common trauma children accumulate at home is foremost.

1 to 5 years-
This is the most crucial time for a child's mental development.
At this time, they copy whatever they notice inside and outside the home.

Parents often misbehave in front of their children because
they consider their children innocent and can't apprehend their behavior!
Here is the scarcity that most parents presume about.

If the base of children would get a healthy atmosphere at home;
they will automatically immerse them during this period. So, each parent should retain that 'charity begins at home.'
We must work and rectify the atmosphere at home to

domestic violence.

Parents nowadays try to calm down their children by holding cell phones in their children's hands! That is something not given a chance to those children to distinguish between;
good habits and bad habits.

is another phase of children when parents need to act like friends with their children.

During this period, children become curious to know about so many things.

If parents divulge them and teach them the consequences as they go through this period,
their children can dodge multiple traumas.

Parents are the best role model for any child.

How to protect children from social bullying?


Teach them about three -


  • P -Protest.
  • P - Protect.
  • P - Prevent.


It is essential to teach children which actions of others they need to Protest.


Teach them self-defense and guide them on how they can protect themselves from bullying.

Prevent -

Guide them on how to prevent all probabilities that would come to their growth.

How to educate our children about good touch and bad touch?


While teaching children and introducing names to their body parts parents need to also teach their children about the parts of their body that no one can touch.

That is a fundamental knowledge parents ought to teach their children and besides that also guide them if anyone touches those parts they must complain to their mothers. No matter who the person is or was!

What do we have to sacrifice to raise a good child?


Spend quality time with your children and share your knowledge in a friendly manner.

2. Stop comparing your children with others-
Never attempt to fulfill your dream through children.

Let them do what they relish pursuing, also stop comparing your children with others, and don't force them to participate in the rat race.

3.Listen to what your children want to share-
Never take for grant your children's words listen to them carefully and conduct themselves like a friend;
So that they feel protected.

Lastly, I would say, What happens to others today;
can happen to us tomorrow- raise your voice.

That was all from my side. Stay tuned to my page and do not forget to share your comments.



 6 months ago 

Hello my friend,
You have taken this topic very seriously and, as you wrote, by working with NGOs, you have also seen cruel incidents with children, which happen a lot in the society, while their reporting is negligible.
These are often suppressed due to fear of shame and humiliation. Your knowledge and experience in this matter seems limitless. But all I have to say is that if parents, apart from fulfilling their children's needs, also start knowing their children's mental dilemmas, then these distances and traumas can be reduced.
Wish you success.
With respect.


Congratulations! Your comment has been upvoted through steemcurator08.

Curated by : @sduttaskitchen
 6 months ago 

During this period, children become curious to know about so many things.

I've noticed that when kids hit this age, they start asking a ton of questions. Talking openly with them during this time seems really important to help them figure out the world.

Teach them about three - P's: Protest, Protect, Prevent.

I feel like teaching kids the three P's is a smart move. It gives them the tools to stand up for themselves, stay safe, and avoid problems before they happen.

Stop comparing your children with others- Never attempt to fulfill your dream through children.

In my opinion, not comparing kids to others is solid advice. It's better to let them do their thing and pursue what makes them happy instead of pushing them into something just because others are doing it.

Good luck

 6 months ago 

Greetings dear @sduttaskitchen

Childhood is very important for the mental development of children. It becomes the responsibility of parents to create the right environment. When you work in an NGO, you have observed children with family problems, child neglect, bullying, these things have a negative impact and make them afraid. Parents should be positive towards the child and be friendly with the child. Listening carefully to the child is necessary to understand the child. Your writing is practical and instructive.

Your post insights on childhood traumas and the crucial role of parents in shaping a positive home environment are both perceptive and impactful. Emphasizing the significance of early years and the need for parents to act as positive role models you shed light on the importance of fostering healthy habits and open communication. Well-articulated reflections that contribute meaningfully to the discussion.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

When teaching children and introducing names to their body parts parents need to also teach their children about the parts of their body that no one can touch.

That is a fundamental knowledge parents ought to teach their children and besides that also guide them if anyone touches those parts they must complain to their mothers. No matter who the person is. Sending my best regards and wishes

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