Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W4 - "Children Vs Extracurricular Activities "

in Hindwhale Community3 months ago

My Dear steemies
I am @saravanan-n from Tamilnadu
Today is Tuesday, 19/03/2024

First of all I would like to thank you very much for conducting this wonderful contest of Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W4 - "Children Vs Extracurricular Activities " through the community of #Hindwhale community

In this era there are so many different types of extracurricular activities are available like arts, drawing, dancing, yoga, singing, swimming, cooking, etc.., any one can learn it and be a best one in this world. By taking a participate in those contest.


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Contest Tips
  • How can extracurricular activities help children's physical and mental growth?

  • Do today's children like extracurricular activities, or are they forced to participate by their parents?

  • Is extracurricular activity necessary for children?

  • Which are the best extracurricular activities for today's children?


How can extracurricular activities help children's physical and mental growth?

There are different types of extracurricular activities are available in this era. Everyone will have to learn atleast anyone of the extracurricular activities of them. Not only one we can gain so many things. We should learn it properly it should not be just like that. Sports is also a extracurricular activities if you had taken a participate means it will definitely develop our physical fitness and evn though chess is also a sports it helps you to increase your IQ level and also the thinking power of your brain.


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Do today's children like extracurricular activities, or are they forced to participate by their parents?

Nowadays all the parents like that their childrens have to come as a first and best child in all the activities like studies and extracurricular activities. So that they didn't discuss with their child that he /she is like to do this or not. So that they are forcing their child to do those activities. But very few of childrens are be very bold to face all the situation and be get success. Most of children are don't have interest on it so they are getting fail.

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Very few childrens are focusing at any one are two of them and be training them in that they being a best child on it. Because they have interest and time to take a extra training on it.


Is extracurricular activity necessary for children?

Offcourse it is very very necessary for all the children's in this era. But some of them are ignoring it. It is really need one. They also get some rewards and awards for it. Some of the awards and certificates are very useful for them at their future. Some of the children's are really thinking at their age above 20 that if he / she had taken a participate in their school are college level extracurricular activities means it will helps them at that time.


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Which are the best extracurricular activities for today's children?

All the extracurricular activities are being a best extracurricular activities for today's children. They have to focus on it. Some of them be focused on it. But so many children's are focusing like few days or few months on one thing and then they move on to the next one. For example: few months a child is focusing on arts and then after that he/she is focusing on Dance. Then he/she moves towards the next one. Like that moving child will not able to be a successful child. So focusing is very very important.


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It is really good contest because it has recalled all of my childhood and adult days when we had go for other schools or college for take a participate in extracurricular activities.

Thanks for giving this wonderful opportunity to take a participate in this contest and also I had like to invite my friends @bokhtiar1444 @kawsar8035 @oneray and @dirapa to join in this Engagement challenge.

Reward by



Absolutely.@saravanan-n. Extracurricular activities are super important for kids. It's like a must-have. But, you know, some kids are kinda ignoring it, which is a shame. These activities are actually really beneficial. Not only do they give kids a chance to win cool rewards and awards, but those certificates and awards can actually come in handy in the future. Imagine, when they're all grown up, some of these kids might look back and think, "Man, if I had taken part in those activities back in school or college, it could've been so helpful!" So, yeah, it's definitely something worth considering and not missing out on.

Yes offcourse so that the parents are forcing their childrens. Thanks for sharing this wonderful thoughts with me

 3 months ago 

Greetings friend,

Children's activities outside of text education can continue the process of children's mental development. As you mentioned chess increases IQ but to be physically fit football, swimming, cycling, dancing, cultural activities, theater or other sports make children physically and mentally strong.
I am a member of this group by keeping the spirit of the school scout children strong. Good luck to you.

Yes I accept that all the things and also the others. Thanks for sharing this thoughts

Las presiones de los padres generan frustraciones en los niños y no es lo ideal sino que estos sean felices, que disfruten lo que hacen para que el aprendizaje fluya y sea significativo para estos. Hoy día hay actividades para todos los gustos y a los niños les encanta por la sencilla razón que les permite estar con sus pares y cambiar de ambiente.

gracias por compartir estos maravillosos pensamientos sobre mi publicación

@saravanan-n, tu análisis sobre las actividades extracurriculares y su impacto en el crecimiento físico y mental de los niños es perspicaz. Reconocer la importancia de estas actividades en el desarrollo integral de los niños es crucial. Invitar a otros a participar muestra tu compromiso con la comunidad. ¡Excelente contribución al desafío de compromiso!

muchas gracias


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