Steemit Engagement Challenge / SEC-S19 / W6 | "How are social medias affecting our society in both good and bad ways? "

How are social medias affecting our society in both good and bad ways .jpg

Hello everyone hope so will be fine today am excited to share my idea on the role of social media in our society. social media has become an esential part of our daily life inffluensing how we comunicate to share informationes and interect with the world around to us. to with any powerfull tool so it comes with both beneffits and weaknes.

What are the benefits of social media to our society?


Social media ofers to various benefites to our society. It enhanses conectivity to allowes to people on to stay in touches with family and friends over distancess. It also facillitates the quick on sharing of informationes hellping people stay informing about globally events and social issuess. this is ocial media issue a programe for advocasy and activismes authorise individualls to voice their oppinions and manage social change. Besides it ofers oportunities for busineses to reach huge audiencess & promoting to creativitys by allowes artistes and content creators to the present their work. Generally social media helpps build on the comunities to the spreading to the knowledgess & foster innovation.

What are the evils caused by social media in our society?

Mentally Health Issuess

This is uncontrolling to using can lead to aprehension to deppresiones and low self of te esteeming to due to constants & comparisones and cyber harassments.


It can spread to the false informationes quicklly to leading to confussion and panics.


People can become adicted to social media to leadings to reducsing to productivitys and dissuse of real life on relationships.

Privacy trouble

This is the shared to the personally on the information can lead to privacy on neglacting and samenes to the theft.


It can making echos chambering that supports to diagonally and increasess politically and social separates.

Is social media really useful for common people or corporate companies?


For Common People

The social media helping to the respective stay conected with friends and family to share incident
and acces information easilys. It also providing to a platform for self of the expresion and come to upon comunities with relating to interested.

For Corpporate Companiess


Social media is a powerfully tool for businesess to reaching and enggage with their target audiense. It helps in building brand awarenes promotes products & receivings customer feedbacks. this is companys to can also use social media to advertising and run markets and the campaignes eficientlly and money of the saving.

Give your personal opinion and conclusion about social media.


Social media has both good and bad of sides. It helps us stay conected learn new things & sharing to our ideas.however but it can also spreads to false informations and capture our privacys. I believe its important to use social media carefuly taking advantags of its benefits while being carefully about its risky. This way we can about enjoy the good parts and keep away the negative efects.

:・゚✵ :・゚✧ :・゚✵ *:・゚✧:・゚✵ :・゚✧:・゚

At the end of post am inviting to steemit of fellows so i invite to call @oneray, @huraira50 & @blessedlife ...

 2 months ago 

Very nice post wish you best of luck 😘

You share such a beautiful entry about this amazing contest you Share each and everything about YouTube and feature about this thanks for mention me keep sharing your thoughts with all of us like that. Best of luck for future

Welcome Dear for your positive response back

Pienso que has desarrollado un completo análisis del impacto social de las redes sociales hoy en día.

Te confieso que trato de mantenerme un poco alejada de ellas por salud mental, fácilmente se cae en la adicción que generan consumiendo mucho tiempo en ellas, a veces por fortuna es contenido de valor pero en su mayoría no lo es y quien se beneficia de todo el tiempo que pasamos en ellas son los que las manejan.

Te agradezco la invitación, espero animarme. Por lo pronto, te deseo mucho éxito con tu participación.

 2 months ago 

¡Saludos amiga!🤗

En gran medida, la evolución que tuvo la comunicación se la debemos a las Redes Sociales y por este maravilloso trabajo que realizaron me molesta mucho cuando veo que alguien más allá de utilizarla para bien, comienza a hacer cosas incorrectas ocasionando así que las desventajas se multipliquen cada vez más por ello hay que hacer un llamado para que seamos responsables con el uso que les estamos dando.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

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