"Book Knowledge vs Practical Knowledge"

in Hindwhale Community5 months ago (edited)


Explain the difference between bookish knowledge. knowledge and practical

I hope you all well and enjoying blessing of God.I pray that you always be happy and succeed in your life. I am going to share with you my point of view about "Book Knowledge vs Practical Knowledge".Knowledge means to know, to guide, to have awareness of something.


There are two types of knowledge, one is practical knowledge and the other is bookish knowledge. Now the question arises as to what is the main difference between these two .

There is a huge difference to be seen and both are very important. First of all, if it is done after book knowledge, then the knowledge is what we get from an institution. For example, if you are a master's student, you go to this field and read many books, then you are related to this field. There is also information they gain.


The opposite of this is the knowledge that you get from living in a society, from living in an institution, from living in a family, from the behavior of people, or from the experiences you make in your life. Learning is called practical knowledge.


Which knowledge (bookish knowledge and practical knowledge) has more impact in our life?

Both knowledge is very important for living. because both are important in terms of their respective fields. If seen, book knowledge is important because you have to get a good position in society, get a good job.


On the other hand, practical knowledge is important because many of the experiences you have in life cannot be understood unless they are with you. One is practical knowledge which you learn from your society through many experiences and the other is practical knowledge which you acquire through physical knowledge.

So in this case, it is evident that if a person is not educated, i.e. he has not obtained a degree from the university, he does not have any academic knowledge, then he should put into practice whatever art he has. Can earn a living.


What kind of knowledge does a person gain experience from?

There is no doubt that a human being gains his practical knowledge from experience. Some incidents happen in human life which we don't learn from books. Unless we experience these things ourselves or have had such an experience with one of our friends.


Experience comes mostly from practical knowledge. Bookish Knowledge gives us the experience of passing the exam.

Does practical knowledge bring us face to face with life experience? Express your views on this.

There is no doubt that practical knowledge makes us familiar with the experiences of life. There are some things that happen in our lives that we don't understand unless we face them practically.


A simple and easy example of this is that we do not experience the separation of our loved ones as long as they are with us, but as soon as a loved one dies, we feel those things with great intensity.

There are things that we don't even know about. If all the points are taken into consideration, then bookish knowledge gives you advantage in a specific field, but your practical knowledge is the knowledge which is not taught by books but by the world. Books are more useful than knowledge.

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Both knowledge go hand in hand.

If a person is bookish but is not street smart he or she will suffer in practical life.

However if a person has practical knowledge he will surely gonna make a living, but their lack of intellect surely makes people suffer around them👐

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