Steemit Engagement Challenge S11/W4 - How is democracy functioning in your country?steemCreated with Sketch.

in Hindwhale Community11 months ago

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Hello friends, I hope you are all well. I am also well because of the infinite mercy of God. Once again, I come to you to participate in this amazing topic of the fourth week of the Steemit Engagement Challenge. Through today's challenge, I will share with you about how is democracy functioning in my country.

How is democracy functioning in your country?

I read in the social science book that democracy means a system of governance where all citizens have equal rights to elect representatives. I am very proud that in 1971 our country got freedom from the invading forces and Bangladesh became known as a democratic country. But that didn't last long. To be honest, the democracy of our country was damaged by the current government in 2009 because no fair elections were held in Bangladesh since then. It is very sad to say but the governance of our country has now turned from a democracy to a dictatorship. No one dares to protest against the government because many people who protest are taken into custody.

Is your country free from any domination ruled?

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I became the first voter in 2019 and very happily went to the polling station to cast my first ever vote. Unfortunately I failed to cast my first vote in my life as the polling station was already occupied by the ruling party workers.

As a child, I used to see people go to the polling station and cast their votes with great joy. But due to the misuse of power by the ruling party in the last two elections, the people of our country no longer go to cast their votes. Because everyone's votes are given to a specific candidate from the day before the election.

The next election of our country will be held in 2024. Already, the USA has given many sanctions due to the domination of the election of the current government. I am hoping that the next election will be fair and I can cast my first vote in my life to the worthy candidate of my choice.

Is your country self-sufficient in food production?

If this question was asked a few years ago, I would have said our country is self-sufficient in food production. Because then every house was doing farming and people could meet their food needs from their crops. Now with the change of era, people are not showing much interest in agriculture because the amount of money spent on crop production is very costly.

That is why agriculture has gradually decreased and the amount of food that is being produced is not enough for the people of our country. Because we are a densely populated country of 180 million people. So we have to import food from abroad to meet our food demand.

How is youth employment in your country?

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The population density is very high compared to the size of our country due to which its negative impact is seen in every field including employment. Although industrialization has increased a lot compared to earlier, but the number of fresh graduates is increasing every year and the situation to provide employment to them is not yet well developed. So mostly everyone expects government jobs but there are also limited opportunities so many youths are unemployed.

What you want your country to be like?

The people of our country have proved their bravery by giving their lives for their mother tongue in 1952 and fighting against the invading forces for the freedom of our country in 1971 which is a matter of pride for us. But regrettably, corruption has crippled our system. Corruption is enough to stop the progress of a country.

So I want to see my country where there will be no corruption, people will have the right to cast their vote at the polling station without fear and the government will not abuse their power. None of us want democracy in name only. We want the meaning of this sentence "Democracy is a rule of the people, for the people and by the people" to be properly established in our country.

Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog
 11 months ago 

Democracy is the actual government of the people. Your country Bangladesh got Independence from Pakistan in 1971. Unfortunately we had some bad memories. I can only say sorry for that. We were unjust to you dear. Pakistani military has done too much cruelty there.

I like reading your post. Best wishes for the contest.

 11 months ago 

Es malo cuando unos políticos se adueñan del poder para perpetuarse por muchos años, acá en Venezuela tenemos un socialismo con más de 20 años con los mismos gobernantes, esto no es democracia lo mismo sucede en su país, nadie puede expresarse libremente en la calle no protestar porque es llevado a prisión, la producción está por el suelo y el empleo para los jóvenes en su país está igual que acá en Venezuela


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