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RE: SEC-S16/W2 - Childhood trauma & incidents- Do they affect a child's life?

When covid came, salaries of various people were reduced (you imagine the mishap: Latin America is notorious about skyrocketing inflation and a workman sees his salary reduced), so they can't pay any more for extra-schooling lessons. I lost a student cause such a mishap. Another of my students lost his job. Other students moved to Portugal and they still live there. Another family where everyone is self-employed saw their business messed up by circumstances. So now I have only one student.
It's the first time I see about forbidden pets (unless they are animals protected from extinction or dangerous especially for children, for ex. poisonous snakes or Rottweiler dogs, as the newspaper sadly report accidents).
In Latin America (at least Mercosur countries I mostly know) there is no tax to keep a cat, a bunny, a dog or a bird.


With us we pay taxes over everything even over the taxes.

Overhere many went bankrumpt too but that's the w ef plan. Now the farmers have to stop farming, NL is the food delivery and Germany the industry of E U. The idea is one big smart city - 15 min areas - they started in Amsterdam best place to do it (all the bridges can be closed and the canals are the barriers.

My eldest has a shop and she can barely survive has three other jobs next to it plus her husband has a job. The costs for living only increase and during the lock downs many el derly been killed.

Doctors opened up and were imstructed to do so. By now no one cares it is back to normal.

I hope the situation will get better but it won't happen over night.

I wish you strength, a warm hug to you.

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Thank you dear friend.
I don't have a good opinion about many doctors (unless taking account of proper exceptions). I consider a lot of them worse than politicians.
I'm sorry for your country. During many decades, Netherlands has given job to tons of people from many countries, saved from poverty. Penniless, rootless and destitute reached a discreet to good and very good conditions. Germany couldn't dominate Europe by war, but it looks like it's reaching the aim with economy (or better said, with Brussels permission).

Ps.: best wishes for your daughters' shop

I don't think the average person is happy being in NL. It's said the life is for free and you get a furnitured villa on top, good healthcare and all you want if you complain, plus the extra is you can rape, kill and robb because no one will lock you up (altogether better than eating cheese, wooden shoes or eating potatoes and tulip bulbs 😐).

I am not sure the vintage shop will make it. The rent for the building is way too high and cannot be paid if you earn 25 euros a day, not to mention the fact the drive by car takes one hour from home, and one hour back. People have way less to spend, the number of those in debts increase, they can no longer pay the healthinsurance, schoolbills, electricity/gas and rent/payment for loans.

But at least the promise we all will own nothing and be happy is made (happy must be a pill or brain chip or can be brainless is the key).

Stay strong and build your own paradise.

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25 euros per day, unfortunately, is crumbs in the EU. In Latin America it's a standard salary for a couple like mine in a city like mine to live the whole month to meet ends.
Health insurance like the American continent? Isn't there health for free? Nor education for free? So sorry.

No health is not for free. Everyone needs a healthinsurance at least the basic one. Mine is 123 euros per month! The cheapest I could find. The first 850 euros of costs I have to pay myself till the insurance company jumps in. They do not pay for everything and it depends on the insurance to which xoctor, hospital and pharmacy you are allowed to go. Medication is never paid for the full 100% and phrmacies trick patients by giving something else and let them pay the full 100% Bloodtests, everything needs to be paid one way or the other.

So me and my children 18+ all pay and never see a doctor. With us many do. The house doctor is 'free' but you have 10 minutes to hear what you already know you can't afford paying for the tests and medication.
Teeth/dentist is not included. Within the E U the rules are for sure not the same,oir neighbours do not pay such an extremely high insurance, in Belgium is basic check up and so on included and no 'own risk' of 850 euros.

Education is not for free either, apart of primary school is but parents still pay, same for preschool, afterschool (if parents are forced to work) it makes children expensive and a burden if you can't pay for yourself - the costs for living (not even mentioning money to buy food, if it comes to food I could survive with the family on 25-50 euros even buy better foid like fruits and vegetables which I, just like meat, can hardly afford).

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Good grief, my mother! It looks like the USA and in general, the most of Central and Latin American countries (in Mercosur, in any way, it's a while better, as we can choose a small insurance with a small clinic that drastically reduces the fees). Here we have a public health, but it doesn't work properly. So I and my husband chose a small clinic for 100 reais per month, where we have the right to see the doctors provided and basic analysis. Medium and high valued analysis I pay in installments with credit cards (as my bank account offers credit cards free of charges), searching for the cheapest clinics in my city. The same for the dentist: the cheapest clinics (it doesn't mean poor service: dentists in the small cities are cheaper than in a metropolis). If it comes for hospital admissions, we'd can't help but the public hospitals. As the simplest surgeries cost thousands. In the Mercosur bigs we have public schools for free, until the last university year for free, but since the primary to High School, the quality of public schools is very inferior and we face many teachers' strikes (mostly, cause their low salaries). In any way, I see this situation very better than in the EU countries, where families must pay for schooling (here they receive all books for free, meals at school for free and in some cases, transportation for free also) and many youngsters see themselves obliged to get rid of university education cause taxes and tuition fees.

Soon only the rich can afford to study. They give students a loan if...but it means it has to be paid back and 1 semester is close to 8000 euro! Next a student needs a place to eat, food, books, and so on.

Many students work. My son will go work for a German company - a few months working - a few months studying and so on. I really hope what he will earn is enough to pay the fee, books, travelling costs and so on. If not he has to give up but at least will have a job.

My youngest said she will not study, I agree with her it's not worth it. It's hard to find a job and I hope she'll find something to keep her alive and with enough time left to do as she likes. To me that's all that counts.

All hospitals are the same, no longer public but businesses it's all about making money, same for phone company, banks, public transport, mail, the state no longer owns it, services go down and prices up!

If it comes to the house doctor...
S/he rarely works fulltime and in mist cases in a group. They are only available between 8-4 pm after an appointment and for 10 minutes only and 1 health issue so not an ear infection plus a painful toe. Health issues or an emergency after 4 or 5 pm? You need to call a number given by an answering machine. It's a callcenter. These people look in a medical encyclopedia what you might have and if you need to see a doctor. If they say 'no' you can't. It's not allowed to go to the ER or call an ambulance.
So it's a fight if you need one. Plenty of mistakes are made. They told my brother in law he had the flu should take paracetamol, he vomited blood it turned out to be a long emboli. My friend called the doctor to check on her dad, he collapsed..the doctor refused to visit. After hours of calling they forced anlther doctor to call an ambulance. In hospital they sent him back said others were more important because of the flu...the man turned out to have cancer. As the hospital finally figured it out nearly 1 year passed.


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My mother, it looks even worse than the USA (at least, hospitals in the States work, if people pay an insurance, obviously). In the USA, university courses averagely cost 300K dollars and students must repay the loan too. In any way, if they study medicine, it's worth, as American doctors count on high and very high salaries. I wonder how in Netherlands youngsters may begin to study medicine, as a medicine degree is very demanding and so incompatible with a job while studying. In the geographic area where I was born, until I lived there, a medicine degree cost about 3000 or 3500 euros per year, but curiously, it were the wealthy families of businessmen who refused to pay for their children's education. So our doctors, judges, prosecutors and many teachers were imported from the southern regions, where the families didn't scare about getting indebted to pay the university for their children.

Schoolbooks, notebooks everything has to be paid. No school in the Netherlands provides in meals. Children go home or bring a lunchbox if they can afgord it. I assume the universities still have a mensa/cantren but the food isn't free.

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It's like in Italy and Spain (maybe Portugal too), but now I'm discovering universities in south Europe are the half expensive than Netherlands. 8000 euros is for private cheap universities, as the public universities cost about 4000 per year, maybe less, depending on the course. But Italian standard salaries are too low, stuck at the year 2000 despite inflation, if nothing has changed lately.

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