Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W3 - "Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings, or friends? "

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Assalam O Alaikum #Hindwhale are you all i am fine Alhumdulillah by the grace of am participant SEC the topic about "Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings, or friends? "

  • I am exciting to participate in this advise contest where we examine the many influencess on the children people. the parent and educaetor i have witnesed personal to the great efect that the different individualls and relationship can have on a child development.

How does a father have a strong influence on children?


A father impact on children is notablle in many ways. He can obey as a role modeles teaching them important values and behaviours through his action. Fathers produces emotionaly suport and security which helps children feel secure and confedent. They also play a criticalls role in make their children self respect and identefication on expand standard time together allows fathers to bond with their children and present importants life lesons. generaly a father presense and involvement in a child's life can greatly impact their development and future succes.

How does a mother have a strong influence on children?

A mother inflluence on children is heartfelt. She atend to them from birth providing love care and guidanse. Mother teach importanse life skils instill valuess and model behaviors through their daily interconnection. They offer emotional assist helping children suceed awarenes of and elastisity. Mothers also play a centrall role in create their children self respect and confidense so away feature time together build up the mother child bond and encouragge a sense of saffety.Mostly a mother presence and influenceS are criticals in create a child development and protection.

How does the teacher have a strong influence on children?


Teachers have a powerfull influences on children in many wayss. They serve as advisar convey knowledge and inspirang curiossity. Through their guidanse teachers can shape children attitude towards learnning and instil important valuess like perseveranse and responsibillity. Teachers also provide emotionally suport nurturinng student self respect and confidense. By creating a positive and inclusive clasroom environment they help children develop social skils and sensibilty . Eventualy teachers play a esential role in make children academic succes and overal on development.

How do siblings have a strong influence on children?


Siblings have a strong influence on children in different wayss. They often serve as the firstly friendship and companion teaching important social skils like sharing coooperation and confllict resolution. Siblings can also influence on each other behaviours attitudess and interesting through daily interections and shared experiencess. Aditionally they provide emotionally suport and friendship shaping each other sense of identity and self respect . The bond between siblings can last a life time affect each other development and protection in serious wayss.

How do friends have a strong influence on children?


Friends have a strongly influence on children as they provide companionship suport and oportunities for sociallization. Through friendships on children learn important social skils such as comunication coooperation, and sensebility . Friends can also influence each other are attitudes behaviours and interests shaping their specefication and vallues. Positive friendships can boost self respect and confidense while negative inflluences can lead to risky behaviours or peer presure.Generally friendships play a critical on role in children's social and emotional development afect their protection and growth.

:・゚✵ :・゚✧ :・゚✵ *:・゚✧:・゚✵ :・゚✧:・゚


 7 months ago 

It is true that positive friendship can boost self respect and confidence while negative influence can definitely lead to risky behavior. I wish you success.

thank you brother stay blessed

 7 months ago 

I am a sister not brother, thank you🙏

 7 months ago 

It's okay 👍

La influencia de ambos padres es determinante en la formación de los niños del presente que constituyen el futuro del mañana. Del mismo modo, hermanos, amigos y entorno en general ejercen gran influencia sobre ellos, lo ideal seria, significar el mejor de los ejemplos. Éxitos en tu entrada.

thnkuu sister


Kedua orang tua kita telah merawat dan memberi kita perhatian serta waktu mereka untuk anak, ayah adalah panutan bagi anak dan ibu adalah yang terdekat dengan anak, mereka telah melahirkan, merawat dan memberikan wawasan dan kasih sayang yang tulus. Kedua orang tua baik ayah maupun ibu punya pengaruh yang kuat terhadap anak pada tumbuh kembang anak.


thank you sooo much dear for visiting my post yes our parents have been our pillars of support providing love care and invaluable guidance throughout our lives. Their influence on our growth and development is immeasurable. Warm regards.

 7 months ago 

When it comes to showing respect, I think based on the influence of the father on children as the head of the family, children tend to fear their father more than their mother. It is nice to read your post. Good luck to you.

thank you dear

Every person close to the child plays an important role in his life, sometimes it is not necessary to be present to influence him, memories, pain and love prevail and affect him. It is then when we can appreciate behavioral changes in children...

A mother is usually present to take care and give love that only a mother can give. Nice to stop by, see you soon.

thank you for beautiful comment..

We support quality posts and good comments posted anywhere and with any tag.
Curated by : @ripon0630

 7 months ago 

Teachers always play their key role in the grooming of children in a way of giving them skills related to their practical and professional life as well as they explain and guide their children that how they should move in society that's why teachers have and integral role and influential role in life of children.

Definitely teachers are the guiding lights for children both academically and in life. their influence is truly invaluable. thank you for recognizing the importance of teachers in shaping young minds.

 7 months ago 

Yes I truly recognize importance of teachers in life of children

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