"Steemit Engagement Challenge S13W4- “What was your favorite subject in high school? "

Asslam o Alaikum ♥️

Steemit Hindwhale community and all dear friends

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Today we are starting a fourth week of challenge and i am so happy to be part of this contest .What was your favorite subject in high school? Steemit Engagement Challenge so, lets start talk about My favorite subject.

Tell us how your favorite subject made learning effortless for you.


computer Science has long been my favorite subject when i was in high school it captured my interest with its vibrant and endless Possiblities. In this digital age the Study of Computer and Technology is not only relevant but also Essential for Navigating the Modern World From understaindng the fundamental of Programing to into the working of software and hardware the one of the most compelling aspects of computer science is its ability to solve complex problem efficiently

Through coding and programming we can create innovative solutions to real-world challenges revolutionizing Various Industres and improvng the quality of life for people Globally Moreover the rapid advncements in artificial intelligence and machine learning have opened up new frontiers promising exciting developments and Opportunites for the future.

Study the computer science has alot of my critical Thinking and problems solving skills the logical Approach Requred for Programing has honed my analytical Abilities me to dissect Intricate Problems and device effective strategies to solve them. Besides that the collaborative nature of Many computer science project has improved Communication skill prepaaring me for a dynamic and interconnect Professionals environment.

Did you always manage to get good marks in your favorite subject, or did you face any hardship at any particular time?

when i Was in school i really liked one subject alot i usually Did better But sometimes i found it alot hard i remember One time when The thing We learning Got really complicaited and i had a hard time understanding my position went down for a little bit but i did not give up i Asked my teachers and my Friends for Help and i kept Trying ultimately thing got better and i start doing goood Again It Taught me that even when Thing are tough i should not give up and its okay to ask for help.

Are there any other subjects that you like too?

Yes Part from Disscussing Various subject i also Enjoy Exploring Topics Like Psychology, literature, Islamic English, and Many Others.

Do you help your children or siblings in their favorite subjects?

Absolutely i help my Kids and my siblings with Their Favorite Subjects in high school i like Helps them and it Make Me Happy To See Them Do Well.

Finally, is there any role of your favorite subject in your present-day life?


my Favorite Subject computer More help Now i use all the Learned From it to Solving each problems and Think very Carefully It Also Helped me choose my carrier Overall its made my Work and Personal life very well

i will invite my dear friend

Thank you Everyone


It is very important to study computer science in school. This is part of technology science in the modern and developing era.

Greetings success to you my friend.. 👏

thank you dear...

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