”Contest| International Labour Day|Importance of Labour"

💕Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim💕
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

I am Mohua Tumpa. I use the username @muntumpa on. I am from #Bangladesh among you.

Dear Hindwhale Community community,

Hello friends whatsapp? how are you all I came to join a contest today. I will join the contest in the community in Hindi. The theme of the contest is International Workers' Day. There are four points given here out of which any two points should be commented.



Workers' rights advocacy.

Gender equality in the workplace.

Mental health in the workplace.

Remote work and the future of work.

Write on any two of these four topics. In between I will write about labor rights advocacy and gender equality in the workplace.

Worker's Rights Advocacy:


Are you the main tool for driving the country's economy? The economy of the country will flourish if the workers are killed. The people of the country of the economy will survive. Therefore, everyone should work together with the government to ensure the fair rights of the workers. In particular, the owners should ensure that the workers do not cheat the workers in any way so that the workers get their due respect and the owners give them their due respect. This is our expectation on Labor Day with the attitude that all people are equal. There are many countries where they don't get to eat if they don't work for a day. The cries of these working people wake up every morning on the pages of the newspaper or on the news feed of the phone, or seen on television. How many accidents are reported to the workers? Some have died while working, some have broken their arms and legs, some have lost consciousness. Labor rules Relations between employers and workers Wage rates Wage councils Compensation for injuries to workers due to accidents at work Formation of train unions Anti-industrial celebrations Workmen's health and safety Welfare and employment and unrest Laws have been promulgated. But how many people mean it? Every worker has freedom of legitimate work according to his choice. The law states that no worker can be forced to do any work. The workers will get paid salary. It is our job to ensure the rights, duties and respect of the workers at the workplace. But in today's society, Dont's employees do not see this as if they have forgotten to respect them, they do not want to respect their workers. The workers are helpless in the face of power and money. Whether big or small, buildings, factories or motorcycles, there is everything. From birth to death, everything in this world, food, clothing,

Gender Equality in the Workplace:


Both boys and girls have equal rights at workplace. There should be no gender discrimination for any work. However, considering the needs of this modern society, everyone strives to eliminate gender discrimination. In Pete Tantric society, poor education for girls and women, conservative role for women and prevailing gender bias in economic power undermine these efforts. Women face various inconsistencies at work. Looking at girls with very small eyes, girls will not be able to work. So they are not employed in many jobs. Again they are paid less. But in this modern era women are not behind. Women are far less likely to progress in roles than men. Any provision made under a social law should operate within the ambit of discrimination law.The government and the law should see if they are being discriminated against and if there is discrimination they should be brought under strict laws. There are many workplaces where women are required to attend women's evenings to work. However, if men change their mentality, all of them can be worked equally. If these inconsistencies are removed from today, the workforce opportunities for the development of the country will increase. Surprisingly, there is no relationship between education and time spent on informal care work, with educated women spending more time on housework than ill women. Many times it is seen that married men do not want to send their wives to work after seeing them at home. But this time on Labor Day, let's change everything and focus on better work. Men and women can work together to improve the country. This Labor Day may we all move forward equally.

I am inviting @josepha, @kuzboy and @anthony002

Thanks to,

◦•●◉✿ Thank You ✿◉●•◦
Everyone prays for me. Thank you so much for reading my post so patiently.

Best Regards


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