SEC-S16/W3 - "Who Has The Strongest Influence On Children? Father, Mother, Teacher, Siblings, or Friends? "


Children tend to live by sight most often, they grow up acting exactly what they have been seeing right from when they were very little, the attitude they display when grown up is the exact same attitude they saw while growing up and by that, they live by what they see. Today, I will also be airing the influence parent, sibblings and teachers have on children.

How Does A Father Have A Strong Influence On Children?


The role of a father in a child's life can never be over emphasized, fathers play a key role in a child's upbringing so as such they mount much influence than any other external entity. It's more unlikely to see a family of 5 an then 2 of the children won't act just the same way their father acts, myself inclusive.

Let's see a Scenerio where a male child is being raised in a family where the father beats up the mother and gets on other people's nerves, the probability for the child to act contrary to what he is seeing is very slim vice versa. This is the reality of it, parents role in a child's life is the top most before anyother person's.

How Does A Mother Have A Strong Influence On Children?


Generally, children spends more time with their mother than father, so it will be very okay that children are more likely to emulate the mother a little bit higher than the father as they create a bond easily with mothers. Male child have this unbreakable bond with their mothers as much as the female child does but these two set of children may be influenced differently.

So, since children spends more time with mothers, they will begin to emulate every bit of how the mother speaks, the life she lives both in the absence and presence of the father. To some extent, the influence mothers have over their children will determine if they will turn out to be a nuisance a or good kids in the nearest future. A child that is raised by a Godly mother has a higher probability of keeping to good moral conducts and ethics even among peers.

How Does The Teacher Have A Strong Influence On Children?


Children spends an average of 35 hours in a week with their teachers, so apart from the informal education teachers render, they play a vital role in children's upbringing, sometimes most of us grow up to speak like our teachers and sometimes even mimick their walk steps, for someone like me, I am Barbing the same hair style my Agricultural Science teacher had on back then, this is a big influence.

Teachers who acts rude will have high probability of raising rude and rigid children, this is just the science and reality of it. A child will want to one day grow up and be like his or her teacher, so let's see a situation where the teacher a child takes to be his or her mentor is a careless speaker and dresses half naked, then this is where the tomorrow's problem will emanate from.

How Do Friends Have A Strong Influence On Children?


The influence of friends on each other should not for any reason be underestimated. Children are moved by what they see and hear in their respective environment, this is why careful selection of friends should be encouraged by parents because to some extent friends determine how the kids react to situations, the lifestyle they live is predominantly inspired by their company.

Children who chose to hang out with friends who party, smoke or live promiscuous lifestyles will some day join the bandwagon irrespective of their strict moral upbringing vice versa.

I am inviting @missyleo, @etiluv and @unyime23 to participate in this contest.

Thanks for reading 💕


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Hello friend, that's right, children adopt the personality of adults according to their upbringing since education comes from home and we must give them values ​​mainly so that they adopt good behavior.

While children live with their parents, they must have the best behavior for children because they learn from what they see, affection, love, care and a lot of trust will always be necessary.

The teacher is always willing to provide education and teach all the learning so that the children develop their skills.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

Thank you so much for dropping by my friend.


Your post exploration of the influences of parents, teachers, siblings, and friends on children's behavior and development is both enlightening and thought-provoking. You've highlighted the significant impact each of these relationships has on shaping a child's character and values emphasizing the importance of positive role models and environments. Your reflections underscore the profound influence of familial and social dynamics on children's upbringing. Well done

Siblings' frequent connection and shared experiences have a significant impact on children's development. Sibling connections help with communication skills development, conflict resolution education, and socializing.

I wish you good luck in this child care engagement challenge my friend, have a nice weekend.

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