Contest | "Challenges Of Life"


Good day everyone, I still remain your favourite Steemian @megareigns, today, I will be participating in this contest titled Challenges Of Life. Sometimes we keep facing variety of challenges everyday and we keep asking ourselves why and when will all these be over, but then we keep facing them on each passing day, let just loo at why we face challenges.

Why Are Challenges Important In Our Lives?


The best lesson they say is not being taught in school but life itself. Challenges comes to teach us new lessons and makes us good students of life. Without challenges, we will be roaming aimlessly in this journey of life without a define course so when challenges comes, we are poised to sit up, learn from either our wins or failures.

Moreso, just like in school, challenges are more like an examination, it determine if we will move a step ahead or still remain in our status quo. So many people have failed to embrace this particular aspect of challenge, there is more to see the physical struggle but also let's see the good side of challenges.

Should We Face Every Challenge With Strength? How Should We Prepare Ourselves For This?


Challenges should be faced fearlessly and fiercely no matter how ugly it might make the accompanying situation look. Every Challenge that we face should be faced with full amount of strength having at the back of our minds that this determines our next step in life, so whatever and however we want to handle, let's handle it with every atom of energy we could gather.

Everyday comes with it challenges different from that of yesterday, to be on the safe side, let's always expect the worst, no prepared soldier has ever lost a fight. Wakeup everyday with so much anticipation to beat whatever Challenge that lies ahead, this is the Genesis of overcoming challenges, we just can't keep shying from it and expect to move a step ahead, no it's not done that way.

Why Should We Step Back Out Of Fear Even Before Facing Challenges?


We can't risk what we stand for, our future and destiny just because of fear of the unknown. Fear only come to cripple our psychological and physical agility more of why we came even give it a room in our minds. We shouldn't for any reason crawl back because of fear, challenges don't define us, our approach to it does.

Also, I will love to even define what fear means so we can have a deeper understanding of it and make sure we Position our minds to deal with it;

F - Forget

E - Everything

A - And

R - Run

So, why should we risk everything like this and run? Our lives are at stake, why run when we can beat our chest and go in to get whatever that comes our way?

What Kind Of Challenges Do We Face In Our Life? Explain It.


We have variety of challenges we go through everyday but let me just point out to some we do face on daily basis;

Self Doubt: This is the challenge that comes due to low self esteem, we keep on doubting ourselves every time that we are not capable or unfit for jobs, relationships or even to live this life.

Survival: This is the most commonest, the quest for survival has been from time immemorial,every man wants to put food on the table and atleast live a comfortable hence the challenge to do so.

Relationship Challenge: So many people are scared to go into a relationship anymore probably because of their past experiences, their past has really locked them down they become so scared to try something new and start all over again. Also on the other hand, we are faced with the issue of letting toxic people go because we think we don't deserve something much better than the treatment we are receiving from our partners.

Health Challenge: Health is wealth they say, so how will we gather this wealth of there is no sound health? The health related challenges can to some extent limit one to what they can achieve.

There are so many challenges to mention a but a few of those. Let's k ow challenges does not define us but our approach towards it does.

I am inviting @unyime23, @ukpono and @wirngo to participate in this contest.

Thanks for reading 💕


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Health related challenges can be very challenging especially when you don't have the means for it. Indeed what does no us makes us stronger

Fear in the journey of life is definitely, not an option, we truly need to " Forget Everything And Run."

Nice post!

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