The diary game, Have a nice day.

in Hindwhale Community3 months ago

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

0 6 June 2024



I hope you all are well, with your prayers and the infinite mercy of Allah Ta'ala I am also well. On behalf of everyone's beloved community, today I have appeared before you with a beautiful post. The important topic I want to discuss with you today is Diary Game i.e. my daily work. So friends, without delay, let's have some important discussion before you about today's topic.


I woke up every Thursday morning and got a little fresh. After freshening up I started my cooking. Today I cooked fried egg and cooked white rice with it. Again I washed my hands and feet well and then sat down to eat. After eating and drinking, I put on my clothes and left for my workplace NRBC Bank. Like everyday I show up at the bank on time.



After coming to the bank I explained all my responsibilities well and I fulfill my responsibilities. Today while on duty suddenly the sky turned black and it started raining heavily. It rained in torrents for quite some time and it got cold all around. I really like to enjoy the rain when it rains. Different people walk in rain water in different ways. Today our bank peon he earned some money from an online platform, so he fed us purple.




After I had done my duty, my leave bell rang. I explained my responsibility to the security guard after everything and came home. After coming home I took off my clothes and then went to shower. After showering I got dressed and then sat down to eat and drink. After eating and drinking, I spent some time on the mobile phone. After using the mobile phone for a while I fell asleep, I charged the mobile phone and fell asleep.


I woke up around noon and went out for a walk. Today the sky is very beautiful, I took two photographs of the sky on my mobile phone. After walking around for a while, I returned home. Aslam today I spent my day like this. Friends, this was a small post that I presented to you today. Hope you all like it. Wishing you all good health and well being.


DeviceRealme c53

🙋‍♂️My identity🙋‍♂️

My name is Md. Parvez Akhtar, my steemit user id is @mdparvaj. I work on steemit platform besides studying. I live in zamirhat tokeyapara in parbatipur police station in dinajpur district. I love sports and traveling a lot.
 3 months ago 

আপনার টুইটার প্রোমোশন সঠিকভাবে হয় নি দয়া করে একটি ছোট ডেসক্রিপশন যুক্ত করবেন আপনার টুইটার পোস্ট শেয়ারে।

 3 months ago 

আচ্ছা আপু


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