“Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing?"

in Hindwhale Community5 months ago

Steemian Friends,
Today, I will participate in a beautiful contest in week 01 of the Hindwhale community's Engagement Challenge Session 16. The name of the contest is Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W1 - "Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing?" I hope everyone will like my writing.

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Design By Canva(My Daughter)

What is more important for children in their childhood, playing or studying?

I think sports and studies are equally important in children's childhood. I understood that from my childhood life. I did both sports and studies in my childhood life. I had a fixed time to study and play sports. I studied while studying and played sports while playing.

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My son and daughter are playing

Playing sports in childhood improves children's intelligence. Because our children's body develops when they are young, when playing sports, the child's intelligence develops. Our children who have only studied without playing sports in their childhood are left behind from education to other subjects. Only educated children are kind of stupid. Because their talent does not develop because they do not play sports.

Are today's children lagging behind in studies and sports? If yes, explain the reason.

Yes, today's children are lagging behind in both studies and sports. I will write to my sons and daughters why today's children are lagging behind in education and sports.

  • My son and daughter study in the city. There are not enough sports fields in the city so my sons and daughters are not experts in sports that I realized. The whole day is busy with studies at school and at home according to certain rules. So I sometimes take them out to the village to play with other kids.

My son is playing

  • My kids are addicted to mobile games and watching cartoons without playing sports. As a result, their eyes and brain are damaged. Mobile addiction is currently the biggest obstacle in children's intellectual development. Where in childhood we studied through sports, my kids are busy with mobile games along with studies. As a result, my children's physical development is less.

  • At present, the pressure of the education of children has increased in various ways. It is due to school or family pressure. For example, school competition has increased due to which parents in the family are making children study only and not giving time for sports. This extra pressure is causing problems in children's intellectual development. I realized that with my children.

Is online education useful to your children?

Online education is not necessary for my children. Because online education children have short attention spans. Children cannot get complete education from online education We have realized that from online education during the Corona pandemic. I came to know about online education when I myself occasionally do various technical courses online. So, I think online education is not much needed for my children.

How does online education effect your children's mental and physical health ?

Online education affects our children mentally and physically. Online education makes our children lazy. With online education, our children cannot get a complete education and therefore cannot acquire real knowledge. I sometimes do some technical courses online so, I understand the negative impact online education has on our children.


Online education has adversely affected our children during the coronavirus pandemic. Which later due to online education our children could not acquire real knowledge. Due to taking online education, the children of our country could not perform well in various examinations later on.

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SL No.My Invited Steemit Friends
Thank you for reading my post, and I am leaving today. Allah Hafez.




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