SEC-S16/W3 - "Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings, or friends? "

in Hindwhale Community3 months ago

Steemian Friends,
Today, I will participate in Week 03 of the Hindwhale Community Engagement Challenge Session 16. This week's engagement challenge contest is organized with a very beautiful topic. The topic is called Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W3 - "Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings, or friends?" I hope everyone will like my writing.

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How does a father have a strong influence on children?

A father has a powerful influence on a child. Fathers work day and night for the well-being of their children. A child's future is better because of a father's financial and family support. With the support of the father, the child can have a better education and lead a better life. Father is like a banyan tree. A father is like an umbrella in every child's life. A father has a lot of credit for a child's success in life.

Me & my son and daughter

How does a mother have a strong influence on children?

The child feels most secure with the mother. Every animal, not human, is most secure with its mother. Mothers feed their children without eating. If the child is sick or in danger, he takes refuge with the mother. For example, when I am sick, I go to my mother, and by the service of my mother, I get well. A child gets its first education from its mother after birth. We Muslims have a hadith "child's heaven under mother's feet". The mother stays by her child's side even if everyone leaves in danger of the child.

How does the teacher have a strong influence on children?

After the mother, the teacher teaches the children. The role of the teacher is very important during the mental development of children. Education is the backbone of the nation. And that education is given by teachers to children. Children's future depends on a teacher's teaching. My father is a teacher. Many of his students became doctors and engineers. I have seen from my childhood that my father spends a lot of time on female students. Today, many doctors come to see my father and say that my father's childhood discipline and education helped them become the doctors they are today.

How do siblings have a strong influence on children?

Older siblings in the family have a strong influence on the younger ones. Younger children learn from older brothers and sisters. The younger follow what the older do. For example, I have a son and a daughter. The girl is nine years old and the boy is four years old. My younger son follows his sister. What a sister does, a brother will do. Older brothers and sisters in a family will teach the younger brothers and sisters. So older siblings have a strong influence on younger ones.

My Son & daughter

How do friends have a strong influence on children?

There is a saying "Heaven with the honest and doom with the dishonest". Children's friends play a very important role. A good friend gives children a good life. On the other hand, a bad friend ruins a child's life. There are many cases in our society where a child is in danger by mixing with a bad friend. Most of the world of drugs and crime is associated with bad friends. So choosing children's friends is very important. Every parent should check what kind of friends their son or daughter gets along with.

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Thank you for reading my post, and I am leaving today. Allah Hafez.



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 3 months ago 

Greeting friend @mahadisalim, You agree that a father has a powerful influence on a child which I think is true. You have also said that fathers work day and night for the well being of their children and with father's financial and family support the child's future is better which I think is a very good quote. Also the importance of mothers, teachers, friends and older siblings in raising children is well presented by you and I appreciate your presentation.

Dear, Thank you so much for reading my post and leaving a nice comment.

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 3 months ago 

Every animal, not human, is most secure with its mother.

In my experience, observing various animal species, it's evident that maternal care plays a vital role in ensuring the security and well-being of offspring. Whether it's a lioness protecting her cubs or a bird sheltering its hatchlings, the bond between mother and offspring is universally strong.

Older siblings in the family have a strong influence on the younger ones.

As an older sibling myself, I've noticed how younger siblings often look up to and emulate their older brothers and sisters. From personal experience, I've seen how my actions and behaviors have directly influenced my younger siblings, shaping their attitudes and choices.

A good friend gives children a good life.

From my observation, having positive influences in the form of good friends can significantly impact a child's upbringing and overall happiness. As a parent, I believe fostering healthy friendships for my children is essential, as good friends can provide support, encouragement, and positive experiences that contribute to their well-being.

Good luck

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 3 months ago 

The significant connection between a mother and her kid rises above species. A well known fact reverberates across societies and time. The supporting sense, the benevolent consideration, and the faithful insurance a mother gives are unmatched. Whether it's a human mother keeping an eye on her debilitated youngster or a lioness savagely watching her whelps, this base association is woven into the texture of life itself.

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Saludos estimado amigo, excelente participacion. Ciertamente los padres tenemos mucha responsabilidad en la crianza de los niños desde sus primeros pasos y es crucial dar los mejores ejemplos. Exito en tu entrada

Dear, Thank you so much for reading my post and leaving a nice comment.

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 3 months ago 

Good day,
Teacher playing a major role in every child growth. Without them no children can get good character. So as a teachers they should be in proper before the children while teaching.

Dear, Thank you so much for reading my post and leaving a nice comment.

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When a children born then he knows nothing and gradually their mother and father are always responsible to guidance that how that children should sit should stand should walk and should talk with others so all these things are induced in any children by their parents so in this way parents are very inferential character

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