Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W6 - "What happens if motor vehicles are banned around the world?

Greetings all my Steemian friends ❤


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I feel very happy to be able to meet this community with a very interesting theme at the end of week 6. Why are motorized vehicles banned throughout the world? If this happens, then the biggest cause is us, humans. In fact, vehicles are a modern technological innovation to make it easier for us to achieve shorter distances. Easier, faster and time is money, but money can't necessarily buy time.

What happens if motor vehicles are banned around the world?


We are used to vehicles, and if this prohibition occurs then... Yes, it's not that we can't reach our destination without a vehicle, but it will take a very long time, an hour, a day, a month, or years.

In ancient times, there were no such things as autorickshaws, trains, buses, electric bicycles, or Bugatti La Voiture Noire cars. I think that if motorized vehicles are banned, there will be negative and positive impacts.

Negative impact

  • because people are used to driving and even become a job opportunity, many people will be unemployed and the crime rate will increase
  • State income derived from vehicle taxes will no longer exist.
  • There will be a large number of deaths because when there is a long distance from social services for the community, then those who should be helped will be helped too late.

Positive impact

  • Air pollution will be reduced
  • Social life will be more harmonious by greeting each other
  • the number of motorized accidents is also no longer there
  • Animal farmers will be more prosperous

Will humans again seek the help of animals for transport?


This could happen. Because humans need precise and short time to make their work easier and this has been practiced by our ancient ancestors. Camels, horses, donkeys, birds, elephants and even cows are animals used as human mounts, and the distances they can cover are no joke. Apart from animals, using a bicycle can also be the best alternative.



Or because humans always innovate, humans will create other new innovations to make all the work done by motorized vehicles easier, perhaps flying wings, or flying balloons, or even creating the world's longest slide that connects many places. Haha

How would our environment be without motor vehicles?




As I said above, our environment being without motor vehicles will reduce the level of air pollution so that we can breathe fresh air more freely. Apart from that, noise will decrease which will cause people to live more peacefully.

People will be more aware and start to get used to walking because it is very good for the body and spirit. And the most important thing is that there is no longer such a thing as traffic jams everywhere, children can also go to school safely because road safety will increase.

What will it be if humans invent any form of transportation other than the motorbike in the future?


This could also happen, bicycles are the best transportation that has existed for a long time and are still used today because they are also more economical. Currently we see that the use of electric vehicles has penetrated people's lives, even my neighbor also has a vehicle that uses battery power or electricity.

Electric cars have now also been introduced and have become widely used vehicles. However, it is still taboo in some parts of the region because of the higher costs and the limitations of charging when traveling long distances. I am sure, by building public awareness of the dangers of air pollution, remembering its impact,humans will adopt this innovation well.


Until here, my participation in the Steemit Engagement Challenge S16W6 at Hindwhale Community.
I would like to invite my friends to participate in this Steemit Engagement Challenge, @safridafatih @f2i5 @chant

Thank you also for supporting me at every opportunity

From your friend


Where there is a Will there is a Way

Greeting friends!


Penggunaan kendaraan bermotor memiliki dampak negatif dan juga dampak positif. Oleh sebab itu kita harus bijak dalam memanfaatkan teknologi yang ada agar tidak merusak lingkungan hidup, karena jika tidak jika dunia melarang menggunakan kendaraan bermotor kita pasti kan merasa rumit dalam melakukan aktivitas karena tidak mungkin berjalan kaki dan menggunakan sapi untuk pergi ke tempat yang jauh.

Salam semoga anda sukses 👍

Itu benar sekali sayang...
Kita tahu bahwa dampaknya sangat jelas bagi kehidupan kita, baiknya kita melihatnya dengan hal positif...
Terimakasih telah berkomentar dalam postingan saya, salam sukses 🤗😘

Sukses ibu lia ya

Aamiin... Makasih brother,
Sukses juga untuk @aril.hatake 👍👍👍

 6 months ago 

Dear sister, thank you very much for presenting us a beautiful post.

In fact, without these vehicles it is unimaginable that we would face such a difficult problem. As you mentioned many drivers will be unemployed. Many will be fired. Many such things will face problems Maybe the motorless vehicles of yesteryear will come. But this will not work at all in this generation Thank you very much for the wonderful post.

You are welcome brother...
Thanks for stopping by on my post... Good luck for you 👍👍👍

 6 months ago 

Saludos amiga todo en la vida tiene sus pro y sus contras el no tener disponible o prohibido los vehículos motorizados sería un gran beneficio ya que no habrá contaminación, tendremos mas lugares para caminar libremente, menos ruido, y menos emisión de gases tóxicos, pero alli están los contras como no poder llegar de una ciudad a otra de manera rápida, si tenemos que trasladar un enfermo de urgencia tampoco podremos
El usar animales como medio de transporte siempre ha existido y la bicicleta sería el medio más utilizado

You are right dear... Thanks for visiting my post.. Always sucess to you... 🤗😘

 6 months ago 

I agree that if motorized vehicles are banned there will be negative impacts and there are also positive impacts, in modern times humans already depend on motorized vehicles to get to their destination but if they are banned they will be forced to return to the past using animals such as camels, horses or donkeys which is important to get to their destination. . Thank you very much for posting good and quality writing. Good luck in this contest :)

Thank you very much for your nice comment brother, always sucess to you too... 👍👍👍

That's right, friend, one of the main aspects is habit, perhaps if we didn't have those comforts with vehicles, it would be easier to adapt to them no longer being in our lives.

Without a doubt, the planet will benefit the most if these standards are implemented, after which the benefits will come for us, a better place to live and a more productive environment.

Greetings and blessings!

Thanks dear for stopping by on my post, always sucess to you... 🤗😘

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Thanks for your support and the team on my post... Always sucess for you brother @f2i5 ... 😇

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Hi friend

Since motors was invented, our means of transportation was made easy and faster. Waking up to another reality where motor vehicles are banned around the world will really take time for humans to adjust to the new change. Looking into this, it will place us to dwell on both the advantages and disadvantages either to; have an healthy environment without vehicles or slow down our movement with animals or non-technological means of transportation like bicycle.

You are right brother...
Thanks for reasing my post, and I hipe you always in success... 👍👍👍

@liasteem I appreciate your balanced approach and the consideration given to various alternatives. Best of luck in the contest

Thanks for your support brother... 👍👍👍

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