SEC-S16/W2 - "Childhood trauma and incidents: how do they affect our children's life? "

Hello Hindwhale Community a warm welcome to you all here.


This is me @kathy-cute from Philippines and you are here Reading my Blog. I hope you all are enjoying the 12th season here. I am participating in the fourth week of this season. This is my participation in a contest Childhood trauma and incidents: how do they affect our children's life? .

What are the problems faced by children, & which are all childhood traumas?


Children face too many problems at their life, where the list is very long. For me the greatest problem I think is the neglecting of parents. Children needs too much attention at their childhood, because this is the time they need their parents the most. And ofcourse they will need it because they are not aware of anything. Parents have to guide them, they have to make them correct, they have to teach them the difference between right and wrong. All these are the prime duties of the parents.

The other problem in some places is children face the domestic violence. Sometimes parents are very much cruel to their own kids. They beat them and punish them for a small mistake. Most of the time parents are very much strict when it comes to academic related matters. I think parents should adopt a soft behavior in this regard.

We can't ignore the issue of sexual abusing. Kids as being very much innocent they are not aware of such issues. Many bad people using their innocence factor to exploit them. These days this issue is increasing rapidly which is very alarming.

How to protect children from social bullying?


Yes social bullying is an another common issue in some societies. Children should be protected from it, at any cost. The most influential role can be played here by parents. They can support their child in such matter.

We mostly see a child having some disabilities or other physical issues, face such problems. Body shaming bullying is very common amoung the youth these days, Especially when you are fat people call you with different ugly names. It hit the emotional feeling of a person, one get very much disappointed.

Now parents from both the sides can play a very vital role in this regard: the offender kid's parents can teach their child not to do it, and same the victim kid's parents can support their child and give him consolation. They will support him and will tell to accept the way he is.

How to educate our children about good touch and bad touch?


This is very much important thing which comes under the category of teaching against harassment. Teachers can play a vital role in this regard. They can teach a student good and bad touch in the class. Good way is to make stand one student in front of the whole class on the stage. He should say it like "These are my private parts, don't touch it". The whole class will repeat after him.

It will help the students know which are private parts and how to protect it. Some parents may feel shy to tell these things to their kids, so I think class is the best place to educate kids there.

What do we have to sacrifice to raise a good child?


I think the most precious thing we can sacrifice for our kids is Time. If we give them proper time I am pretty sure we can raise a good person at our home. I am saying that, because these days everyone is too much busy in their personal life matters. Even parents are not free to give proper time to their kids. They don't know what their kid is doing and where he/she is going, who is an his/her company.

A proper check and balance is very much important from the parents. It will cost them their precious time, but a very humble and a gentleman will grow in their house. If a boy/girl grows under the hand of the parents, it's more obvious that he/she will be good person. He will not hurt other, will respect other and will be a good and humble citizen.

My deep heart invitation to my dear friends :@hotspotitaly, @hardphotographer, @beemengine
All the images belong to me, clicked with Iphone 7 by me
Have a nice Day ahead.I know You must be someone beautiful with a beautiful heart. I know you must be someone cute/handsome. I wish you too many blessings in life.

Regard kathy-cute


Hi Kathy. You are very cute with your perspective on this topic. 😁
Are political conditions in your country currently good under President Bongbong Marcos?
Good luck with your contest. Greetings...🙏

Thank you so much, I thought you are flirting me hahaha. Be happy Friend always.🥰

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Cara yang menarik untuk berani mengatakan di depan kelas tentang bagian tubuh yang tidak boleh di sentuh karena tidak semua siswa mampu memberikan pendapat seperti itu. Masih banyak yang malu dan takut ditertawakan temannya sendiri. Sukses selalu untuk anda 🙏

Thank you friend for the beautiful comment.

hey dear your post sensitively addresses the pressing issue of childhood trauma highlighting the crucial role of parents in nurturing and protecting their children. You aptly shed light on the distressing problems children face emphasizing neglect domestic violence and the alarming increase in sexual abuse. Your advocacy for soft parental behavior and guidance is commendable emphasizing the need for a supportive and understanding environment.take care

Thank you friend for your time. Love your response.

 5 months ago 

Being neglected by parents is the highest challenge that children are facing in our society. I agree with all the points you have shared here. Good luck to you.

Yes dear very common issue. Thank you friend for response.

That is a difficult topic friend for children because education and union come from the home where children, through their parents, protect themselves and when there are problems or they separate there, the children create a great trauma that they do not communicate with anyone but they do reflect their problems outside the home, they are aggressive children, who want to be alone and who often fight with other classmates.

Another problem is that they tend to be children who receive very violent treatment at home, whether physical or with words that make them feel less than others.

As parents we must always educate our children to give them values ​​and above all equality that no one is better than anyone else we are all children of the same creator

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

Thank you so much dear for the beautiful comment.

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

Hola amiga, estoy contigo en cuanto a lo que dices que los niños de hoy sufren el trauma del abandono de sus padre, que muchos sufren castigos que demuestran violencia y agresión continua, padecen además algunos infantes del acoso y abuso sexual.
Los niños de nuestro tiempo están siendo expuestos a situaciones de peligros por el abandono de los padres quienes creen que al dejarlos frente a una pantalla para que se entretengan les están haciendo un bien y por el contrario los están exponiendo a un gran riesgo.

Suerte en el concurso.

Anak-anak memiliki karakter yang polos dan ada sebagian orang memanfaatkan kepolosan mereka dengan melakukan tindakan yang menyimpang dan melecehkan mereka. Sebab itu, kita sebagai orang tua harus menjaga dan mengajarkan anak kita tentang sentuhan baik dan sentuhan buruk dengan definisi dan contoh serta bahasa yang mudah dipahami sang anak.
Anda menulis dengan baik dan semoga anda sukses untuk tantangan ini👍

Salam nona manis🤗

Yes children are innocent. Thank you friend for a beautiful comment.

 5 months ago 

¡Saludos amiga!😊

Enumerar los problemas traumáticos que pueden desarrollar los niños es crear una lista que no tiene fin y, esto sin duda alguna es súper peligroso porque, allí vemos lo vulnerable que son y, los padres tienen la responsabilidad de evitar que su infancia se vea atrofiada por malas acciones de adultos.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank you friend for your precious time. Hug you.

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