SEC-S16/W3 - "Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings, or friends? "

in Hindwhale Community6 months ago (edited)

Hi friends,

I am Jyoti from India. Here I am going to participating in the SEC-16 WEEK-3 contest: organized by our Hindwhale Community.

Kids Section.png


Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings, or friends?

Every child is born with a unique personality that is shaped by the environment in which the child is raised. Parents, teachers, caregivers and schools play an important role in influencing a child's personality.

How does a father have a strong influence on children?

A child's knowledge, intelligence, personality, appearance, speech and actions are all affected by the father and mother. Although it is the male chromosome that determines whether the child in the fetus is a boy or a girl, the father's role in other matters is definitely fifty percent.


Today's younger generation of fathers are actually more involved in the child's upbringing. Children are generally eager to learn and want to know everything. They ask their fathers about their doubts.

Since a child is dependent on his parents from birth to growth, their influence is bound to be there. Especially the father is a role model for the children. What he does is mainly followed by children. If it's a boy, children imitate their father by driving, styling and dressing. Also father's role is very important to improve children's extra curricular activities.

How does a mother have a strong influence on children?

Mother has more influence on children so children carefully observe the work done by mother Children generally observe everything mother does and they follow it so mother always wants to be disciplined and clean in front of children.


Since children grow up in their mother's embrace from birth, they are more dependent on the mother. They have more faith in their mother than anyone else. Because it is generally believed that the mother always saves him. Accordingly he obeys whatever the mother says. Similarly, his mother is his first role model. As a girl child, she imitates her mother, by dressing style, working style and also speaking style . A child's discipline is still dictated by his mother's discipline and guidance.

Good parenting skills can help children grow up to be positive, confident and healthy people. As parents have a huge influence on their children, it is very important to encourage them and make them beautiful personalities. Children learn more by observing than hearing.

Therefore, parents should model the right behavior for their children to emulate. For example, when parents ask their children to be tidy, they should set an example of putting things back, or they should be gentle and speak politely to others.

How does the teacher have a strong influence on children?

Teachers have a great role to play in shaping the lives of students. As children spend 9 to 10 hours in school 5 or 6 days a week, teachers become more influential in their students' lives. They are like a beacon, they guide their students through different stages of their lives. Students frequently look up to their teachers and want to emulate their behavior. Therefore, teachers should realize the importance of their work and perform their duties diligently.


At the initial stage, the method of teaching real education, teaching and nurturing children with real love should be based on humanity and should not be based on authority, force, and coercion.

How do siblings have a strong influence on children?

A mother giving birth to a second child will bring great joy to the family. And as they expected, if instead of the first child, a girl child is born as a male heir, or a male child is born as a female child, there is no limit to happiness. The mind blooms that the family is complete.


There is a healthy rivalry in the house where siblings exist. When his brother or sister gets a prize, he also wants to win the same prize or more than that and he also makes efforts for the same. Similarly, there is definitely a competition with the same-born brothers and sisters. It is a healthy competition. Such competition develops their knowledge and skills.

Children share things with their siblings that they cannot share with their parents. So their problems come out. By that his problems are solved. In a single-child home, such problems are not solved, they keep it locked away in their minds and become depressed. So siblings are a must for children

How do friends have a strong influence on children?

In this environment where both parents have to go to work, one of the most challenging things is dealing with teenage children. The vacuum of adults caused by loneliness makes children more isolated. The enticing digital world lays many webs and waits to swallow them. To save our teenage children from all this, they need good friendships.


Some things that cannot be shared with parents and siblings can only be shared with friends. There can be problems with things like that. When such problems come to light through friends, their problems get a solution. Children who are not able to express their problems become depressed.

There are many advantages of being friends, children are not always with their parents and teachers as brothers and sisters, 50% of the time they are in contact with outsiders, when they are in contact, it is beneficial for them to be their friend, but who they are friends with is very important.

I would like to invite
@genomil , to take part in this contest.


Discord : @jyoti-thelight#6650 Telegram :-


 6 months ago 

Greeting dear @jyoti-thelight mam, You mentioned in the first question that a child's knowledge, intelligence, personality, looks, speech and actions are all influenced by father and mother which I think is correct. You have used a phrase from medical science and that is though it is the male chromosome that determines whether the fetus is a boy or a girl and you have also said that the father's role in other matters is certainly fifty percent which is a very nice statement. You also give a detailed account of the influence of other parents on a child which is truly admirable. I appreciate your presentation and wish you all the best.

 6 months ago 

Yes fathers role in the childs life is admirable, thank you for reading and giving your wise opinion.

El padre como el modelo a seguir tiene un rol fundamental con su presencia de moldear la personalidad de un niño.

La madre por su naturaleza ejerce mayor influencia en un niño, indudablemente existe un cordón umbilical emocional muy fuerte.

El rol del maestro es fundamental en la educación escolar, siendo la escuela el lugar donde más tiempo permanece el niño. La educación debe estar basada en la humanidad en lugar de la autoridad, la fuerza y la coerción.

La llegada de un hermano plantea la competencia sana que incentiva el desarrollo de conocimientos y habilidades. Son los amigos confidentes e imprescindibles.

Los amigos representan las buenas amistades, los mejores aliados de la aventura y la diversión pero también representan el apoyo incondicional cuando más se necesita.

¡Excelente post amigo, te deseo mucho éxito!

 6 months ago 

yeah, The father as the role model has a fundamental role with his presence in molding the personality of a child. The mother, by her nature, exerts greater influence on a child; there is undoubtedly a very strong emotional umbilical cord. Thank you for stopping by.

You are absolutely right on each point made regarding various influencers in a child’s upbringing. The influence of friends varies depending on the quality of the bond. It is also necessary for children to choose friends who have positive influences, share similar values, and support their well-being and growth.

Parents can help guide children in forming healthy friendships between them by encouraging open communication, teaching social skills and respect for others. Children get to learn from their surroundings, it can be from parents, teachers, peers or siblings. I wish you good luck in the contest.

 6 months ago 

Yes I agree Children must choose friends who have positive effects for their well-being and growth.Thank you for visiting and giving a valuable feedback

Yes my friend @jyoti-thelight. Your comprehensive article delves into the profound influence various figures have on children's lives. You beautifully illustrated the pivotal roles parents, teachers, siblings, and friends play in shaping children's personalities and behaviors. You emphasized the importance of positive role modeling, nurturing relationships, and fostering healthy environments for children's growth and development. Nice post ...thumbs up

 6 months ago 

Yes all are inportatnt and every one playing good role to give impact on children, thank yiu for reading and passing a valuable feedback

You're welcome sis

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Hola amiga, los niños en si etapa infantil y adolescentes reciben la mayor influencia del mundo externo y sus principales influenciadores son los padres, que como dices, deben educar con el ejemplo y no solo con palabras, los maestros y amigos juegan un papel fundamental en el desarrollo de todo niño, es por ello que los padres deben estar al pendiente no solo de quienes son sus amigos, sino también de quienes son sus maestros.
Fue un gusto leerte.
Saludos, te deseo mucho éxito.

 6 months ago (edited)

I agree with you that appearance intelligence and speech of a children all are depend by his father because father is a person who always try to induce all these things by becoming role model for their children. From start of birth of a children he always remain in lap of and under supervision of his or her mother that's why mother always try to induce good manners in their children and in this way all mothers are building a great and successful society.
You wrote very well about each and everything I wish you success....

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