Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings, or friends?


Hello Hindwhale family, it's a pleasure taking part in this wonderful community. I came across a contest that captivate my interest so I stopped by and decide to contribute my idea, the contest title is ➡️ Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings, or friends? it was organized and published by @hindwhale.

It is true that children are influenced by the people they spend time or stay with such as parents, siblings, relatives and nannies , plays a vital role in shaping their beliefs and behaviors.
Before I proceed I will love to invite my friends @goodybest @preshy001 and @mdspec to participate in this great contest.

Let's proceed highlighing some points and how children get influenced by parents, siblings, relative and teachers.

How does a father have a strong influence on children?


Father's can have a strong influence on their children, it happens through many ways stated below.


A good father will always model positive behaviors for their children and set good examples as children always tried to emulate them.


Fathers can influence by setting boundaries and rules for their children, and teach them responsibilities and how to abide.


Fathers can encourage their children to pursue their educational goals which can set them up for success. Good fathers do provide guidance and advice to their children as they navigate their careere.


Fathers can can always bring open and honest communication with their children, which helpd them develop strong relationships and good communication skills.

How does a mother have a strong influence on children?


mother's have a strong influence on children in Many ways, some say that mother's has the highest to contribute when talking about influencing a child. Let's hight some point below.


Mothers play important role in nurturing their children's emotional wel being . They love, care, and support support their children, which shape their children ability to control their emotions and form healthy relationships.


Mothers are primary role models for their children as children observe and imitate their mothers behavious and attitudes. A mother who positively demonstrate kindness and empathy inspires her children to develop similar ams good qualities.


Mothers most tim play important role in a child's educational values . They encourage them to learn this include helping them with homework and provide guidance in making good decisions.


Mothers are mostly their children biggest cheer leader. They gives support, encourage and motivate them , which can boost a child's self-confidence andd abilities.

How does the teacher have a strong influence on children?


When a child grow to a certain age that due embarking their formal education, then they'll leave their parents and spend some hours of the day in school guided with teach. Here is the opportunity a child have to be influenced by their teachers.

Teacher's influence children through providing guidance, knowledge and support in their academic and somehow personal growth. They serve as a secondary role model and mentors to their students, helping children develop positive attitudes towards learning.

Teachers also create a good and safenurturing environment so that children children can feel comfortably express themselves and explore new ideas. When interacting in classroom with their fellow students, teachers can inspire and motivate them to become responsible and compassionate with each other.

How do siblings have a strong influence on children?

Siblings can also influence children, most time when parents are not around it's elder siblings that likely take over the short time responsibilities, so then they can also serve as role models and influence their attitudes and beliefs by setting good examples for them to emulate.

How do friends have a strong influence on children?


Friends also have influence on children in one way or another. Firstly let's discuss, friends can shape a child's behavior and attitudes through peer pressure.
Truly, children most time imitate their friends actions and adopt their behaviour.

Friends can introduce their fellow mate to new experiences and ideas which expand their ability to thing in different dimensions and help them develop socially and intellectually.


In conclusion parents, teacher, siblings and friends can influence children in different ways.
Parents are the primary source, they are the one who have the biggest advantage of shaping their children's behaviour and attitude by setting good examples for them to emulate.

friends do influence positively and negatively, then it's it the duty of parents to help their children choose good friends so as to avoid bad companies "Bad companies spoil good morals".

Thank you all for you time spent to read my today's article, love you All


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The father is the head of the family and he's really a very important person in each family as he's the bread winner and has knowledge about alot of things which protects the family. If the father is a bad man, the children will quickly adapt to his behavior and this isn't right at all that's why the father needs to be a very responsible and hardworking man.

I wish you good luck in this engagement challenge.

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