SEC-S16/W2 - "Childhood trauma and incidents: how do they affect our children's life? "

Edited with Coreldraw

As life happens to be, trauma do occur as a result of a single happenings, e.g natural disaster or a vehicle accident, or it can be from the our ongoing experiences such as abuse and neglect.

Trauma do have negative impact on a childs emotional and physical well being, which can affect their ability to form healthy relationships, regulate their emotions, and function in school and other areas of their life.

Let's quickly dive into answering some questions related to this topic.
Read below...

What are the problems faced by children, & which are all childhood traumas?

They're many problems children faces which traumas them, below States some common incident.




Many children experience bullying, which can lead to emotional discomfort, this also result making them feel low self-esteem about Theirselves and social isolation. Bullying can happen in different form depending on the associates.




This is one of the common problem children do face Neglect.
Neglect occurs when a child's basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing and other need aren't provided as expected. I also experience and understands the feelings. It though it is not good as it result in physical and emotional harm, as well as developmental delay.




Dealing with chronic illnesses or disabilities by children mostly face physical and emotional challenges. They sufers with self-esteem, social isolation and feelings of frustration and anger.

A friend of mine who unfortunately happened to be disable do say, "I feel like a burden to everyone around me", "I often wonder if I will ever truly be accepted for who I am," ", I just want to be treated like a normal person, not someone to be pitied."

Those sentences touched my heart I couldn't hold my tears, I suddenly put myself in place of him and understands how they feels😥.




Breaking up in a family always results in challenging for children emotionally, as it can lead to feelings of confusion, sadness and a sense of loss. If not properly taken attend, it may have effects on their emotional and social development .


Most Christian a re familiar with the story of Lazarus death in the bible, when Jesus knew that his friend Lazarus was dead Jesus was deeply moved by the death of his friend which caused him weap (John 11:35).


This shows how painful it is to loss our love one in dead despite the age, for this death of a family member or close friend can be traumatic for both adults and most especially children. It can cause feelings of grief and sadness.

How to protect children from social bullying?

It is very important to protect our children from social bullying as it is one the fact that traumatize people of young age.
Below are some method of protection.

  1. Educating our children about bullying: Teaching our children and young ones about different forms of bullying, including social bullying. Explain what it is and how it can affect others and also why it is important to stand up against such act.

  2. Teach empathy and kindness: It's very important to teach our children to be empathetic and kind to others. It's good to help them understand the impact of their words and actions on others, and encourage them to treat everyone with respect and care.

  3. Be a role model: it's very important to be a positive role model for our children or young ones. A good leader or tutor must lead by example, show them how to treat others with kindness, respect, and empathy.


How to educate our children about good touch and bad touch?

Educating children about good touch and bad touch is not an easy job as it is ongoing process. While teaching them it is important to highlight and follow the following steps below.

Start early: Begin teaching children about good touch and bad touch from a young age, it said as confirm form health study that babies brain are always as blank for them to magnet everything that they are taught or see, so teach the early is regarded as the best strategy.

Teaching them body parts: Teach children the correct names of their body parts, don't
exclude teaching them about their private parts. This will help them communicate more effectively to their body if they ever need to talk about their uncomfortable situations.

Explaining the difference between good and bad touch: it is crucial to cclearly explain the difference between good touch and bad touches.
Good touch includes hugs from loved ones, holding hands.

Bad touch includes any touch that makes them feel uncomfortable or scared.

What do we have to sacrifice to raise a good child?

As a parents or guardians you have to sacrifice your time, personal interests, needs and most time finance in order to raise a good child. Very important you needs to make financial sacrifices in order to provide for their child's needs and education, sacrificing your own comfort and convenience in order to set a good example for your children is important.


In the overall lesson it is important for children who have experienced trauma to receive appropriate support and treatment by their parents or guardians to help them heal and recover, it also good to educate our children about bullies and the negative impact.

That's very much for your time spent to read my article today... Love you all.
Here I'll love to invite @goodybest @bossj23 @preshy001 to participate in this wonderful contest.


@jozzie90 You have skillfully delved into various challenges children face shedding light on bullying neglect chronic illness parental separation and loss of loved ones. Your empathetic understanding evident in the narrative about your friend with a disability adds a personal touch. The strategies you've outlined for protecting children from social bullying and educating them about good touch and bad touch are valuable insights. Kudos for emphasizing the sacrifices parents make in raising good children. Best of luck

Thanks very much sir for reading and understand my article, it means a lot to me I really appreciate 🥰

Greetings, for good children to emerge, parents or guardians have to sacrifice time, personal interests, needs and most time finance in order to raise a good child.

Very important is that they need to make financial sacrifices in order to provide for their child's needs and education, sacrificing your own comfort and convenience in order to set a good example for your children is important. Success and good luck

Thanks very much dear for your meaningful contribution, it means a lot.🥰


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It is very true that one of the problems that affect the child emotionally, is precisely bullying, which influences the emotional and psychological well-being of the child, producing traumas that have to do with isolation, shyness, low self-esteem, which greatly affects their mental health.

God bless your life and family. Success.

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