SEC-S16/W3 - "Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings, or friends? "

in Hindwhale Community5 months ago (edited)

Thanks to the team of Hindwhale Community for organising another Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W3 - "Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings, or friends? ". I'm excited to participate in the new session. Before I start my presentation I would like to invite three of fellow Steemians to share their views contest. @crismenia @joymm @eveetim


"Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in human" was strongly swear by Swami Vivekananda. So anyone may become a sociable person if the obstacles are removed from the path of development.

How does a mother have a strong influence on children?

It's always said that mother is the first teacher of all. Afterall we have most of common habits acquired from our mother including our taste buds when we are in her womb from primordial ages.

Our IQ is also depends on mother's IQ. Children intelligence also depends on mother's intelligence. In general if mother is introvert children are likely to be introvert. The cognitive skills are also acquired from mother by children.

Children's height though dependant on father's gene but it also depends on the mother's food habits during pregnancy.

How does a father have a strong influence on children?

A child's cognitive and social skills are dependent on how father is affectionate and supportive. Overall sense of self confidence, social connection with peers and well-being also depends on this.

Children emotional development also not just depends on mother but father as well.

How does the teacher have a strong influence on children?


Teacher is the most important person in children social and mental development other than parents. Children learns social and development skills of life. An ideal teacher is a motivator in bringing positive changes in children development.

How do siblings have a strong influence on children?

Outside core of comfort zone of parents children encounter siblings the first social unit and they remain as lifelong companions. Siblings have profound influence on the children emotional well-being and psychological growth.

How do friends have a strong influence on children?


One of the most important supports to children is peers or friends support in the process of its development. It helps in sharing feelings and emotions and understanding others. It also protects on from bulling.

An equity in education system is where personal or social circumstances such as gender, ethnic origin or family background, are not obstacles to each member of the society to achieve educational potential and each individual acquired atleast a basic minimum level of skills considered as equal opportunity for all.

Thank you for reading my post.



Parents are the influencecial figures whether it's in the Shape of mother or father. Ofcourse teachers have very great role in our life. We are mostly the photocopy of our siblings. we mostly learn from them. Friends give us a chance in life to learn more from them.

I pray for your success in the contest.

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 5 months ago 

Hello dear! Your insightful post highlights the multifaceted influences on children's development emphasizing the pivotal roles of parents, teachers, siblings, and friends. Your point about siblings being lifelong companions resonates deeply, underscoring the importance of familial relationships in shaping emotional well-being. Keep sharing such quality content.

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 5 months ago 

Nice publication from you friend. I wish you success.

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 5 months ago 

Saludos amigo comparto su opinión como padre me siento identificado y se lo importante de ser una buena influencia en mis hijos,, exitos

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Yes my friend @impersonal. Your insight on this topic beautifully emphasizes the multifaceted influences on children's development, from parental guidance to peer interactions. You highlighted the critical roles of mothers, fathers, teachers, siblings, and friends in shaping various aspects of a child's growth, including cognitive skills, emotional well-being, and social connections. Promoting equity in education ensures every child has equal opportunities to reach their full potential. Great insights shared. Thumbs up

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My friend, I agree with you that a child's IQ is mostly dependent on the mother's, this has been scientifically proven, in a situation where the mother is a dull, the children will somehow be full because this pass through the genes.

Your points are valid good friend.

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You are right that mother is our main teacher and we gain knowledge from mother. And mother raised us from childhood by getting education. If mother gives us good education, we can become like human beings. Mother and father have contributed a lot in our education.

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Welcome my dear bro @impersonal

You've provided a comprehensive analysis of the various influences on children, highlighting the significant roles of parents, teachers, siblings, and friends. It's evident that each plays a crucial part in shaping a child's development and well-being, from early childhood through adolescence. Understanding and nurturing these influences are vital for fostering positive growth and social interaction among children. Thank you for sharing your insightful perspectives on this important topic!

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Happy to see you entry about this Keeps sharing the quality content on This platform like that Good luck for future and This contest

Thank you so much for visiting my post and supportive comment.

It's my pleasure @impersonal

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