Steemit Engagement Challenge / S19/W2 - "Life without electricity"

Greetings to you all dear friends
Hope you are doing good!!!
I'm so delighted to participate on this wonderful contest titled: Steemit Engagement Challenge / S19/W2 - "Life without electricity" organized by hindwhale community, it's indeed an exciting topic which I would like to implore my dear friends @owulama @vickyson and @mbetobongluke to also participate on this contest.
Let's get straight to the point ;👇


✍️How would your daily life and work life be without electricity from now onwards?

This is a fantastic question, we all know how important electricity is in our contemporary society today And without electricity today there would be so much adjustment and thereby going to affect our every aspect of life,

  • Daily life; In daily living, there would not be access to electronics devices such as phones, computers, television and Many more, and knowingfully human dependent on this devices for survival as such it would be of great challenges to our society and to me in particular,

  • Also in our daily life, there would not be air conditioning, no refrigerators, movement would be highly limited to walking or using animals as a means of transportations coz there's no electricity to power up some other means of transportation.

  • Then on the side of work life aspect, if there's no electricity onward what would happen is that, communication will only be limited to writing a letter or face-face communications,

  • Another thing is that without electricity onward surely there would be darkness around, CCTV cameras would not be effectively worked to oversees other non human activities thereby endangered my life or other's,

  • Agricultural activities would be periodically and would highly required human labor for it success and that can also affect educational sectors making learning a bit harder for both the teachers(me) and the learners.

And lastly most of the industries would be put on hold and lot of human labor force would be significantly required on the aspect of grinding of grain,manufacturing, finances,food processing and so on, Therefore, the entire human life would be drastically affected positively.

✍️What kind of equipment would be required to live a hassle-free life?

Hassle-free life refers to the situations where there is less stress, no much pressure,and sometimes less difficulties in daily living. Is a stage where things are manageable despite not getting to your satisfaction but manageable,and thus derived peace of mind,support from friends and families and so on that's what's hassle-free life.

Therefore the following equipment would be required to live a hassle-free life, these includes the following;


  • All forms of renewable energy examples like solar system or panels and generators in other to power up electricity supply for sweet hassle-free life,
  • Natural food supply: These includes getting sustainable food from farms or gardens for human consumption,
  • Access to good water for good living from well,oceans, streams and many more,
  • Access to means of communications with zero stress,
  • Educational aspect; This includes getting access to some literatures,textbooks,good access to internet services etc,

Although There are many facilities required, also depending on the circumstances of an individual to live hassle-free life as well.

✍️Would you be able to cope with life without electricity?

To be honest coping without electricity can be very life challenging, especially when you are addicted to it.


But a village Man like me that was born and brought up in a village (Moroa in Akwanga LGA Nasarawa State Nigeria) I will certainly cope without electricity coz is the least of my worries, despite knowingfully without electricity I won't be able to know steemit platform or interact with people around the world here, but indeed there are other lives out there, many opportunities out there to grab just like steemit and i will greatly make an exploit as well.

I'll certainly cope without electricity if it happens there's no electricity again, I'll surely survive or cope because I believe, there would be a way out no matter what, because people in the past survived and they make exploit so I believe I'll also make an exploit, though our generation might be different especially with the advent of technologies but surely I can withstand the situation of lack of electricity.

I could remember last two years ago, I lived phone less for a period of one year, despite living in this digital era and I was not moved by the pressure, though, sometime I felt inferior and feels negativity about the situation, but at the same time I was positive about it, coz it enlarged my faculty of reasoning, my vision and mission of life, relying on technology I'm not saying is bad but it also has it's side effects.

Apparently, coping without electricity depends on individual perspectives and narrations about life with or without electricity and how things would workout for them, I know of so many (Washo and Eggon hill community in Nassarawa Eggon LGA, Nasarawa State, Nigeria) societies today where they don't have electricity up to date, and they are still doing fine, surely we both are humans I can also cope as well.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen for taking your time to read through my post I love you all endlessly,
💖💖One Love 💖💖.
Best regards @ibraheem75


I can only imagine how I turn errand boy to my father when mobile phone were rare. Electricity makes life easier for us.My kind of work deeply rely on electricity. I can only imagine without electricity how I would cope. Thanks for the invite.

Indeed electricity is very important in our daily lives, it brings home appliances closer
to us and make it easier our day to day living.

Nice one and good luck here

 3 months ago 

It is interesting to know that we still have people who can live their lives without electricity in this generation and you happens to be one of those who fall under that category, impressive!

Electricity is really good and has great importance but then you can still live your normal alive and enjoy every bit of the life even without the electricity just as you have rightly stated.

Thank you for the invite and I wish you success 💥🙌

Yep Franklin speaking I can live without electricity no doubt about that,

With or without electricity doesn't kill,
So that's why I removed the mindset if there's electricity fine if non great I can cope,
Besides where I did my service in my PPA no lights and people there are doing okay,
Not bad about it, sometimes I had to go some weeks without a handset. and I'm fine with that 😊
So thank you so much dear friend for going through my post and the best wishes I appreciate alot

 3 months ago 

You are most welcome!

Hi dear
How are you? I hope you are fine by the grace of Allah Almighty and I'm fine too Alhamdulillah. Our lives without electricity would be difficult and challenging. To communicate with one another and to convey our messages to others we contact them through voice calls, video calls and text messages and this is possible through internet and in the absence of electricity it would be limited. But in that case if there would no electricity we would rely on traditional methods such as to use water Wells can be used and in the night oil lamps and candles can be used.

Thank you dear friend @jannat12 for your kind words and I sincerely agree with you on the use of traditional methods in times of communication in the absence of electricity,
Though electricity plays vital role in our society today,
I'm so pleased to interact with you here in this great platform,
I appreciate a lot.


Hi! Hope you are doing great. I read your post and i came to know that life without electricity harks back to a simpler time, reliant on natural light and manual labor. It fosters a deeper connection with nature, but also presents significant challenges in comfort and convenience. Modern tasks become monumental, highlighting our dependency on this crucial energy source.

 3 months ago 

Hello friend,

You have shown in-depth knowledge of the topic before us, indeed without electricity it would be indeed difficult to have to do a whole lot of things, our devices would be dead and we would resort to writing letters and also beast of burden as transportation, we would have a slow economy and life here would be full of challenges all the more. Electricity is a breather of fresh air, I enjoyed your article and graciously wish you success!

Thank you so much dear friend for your thoughtful and insightful response! I totally agree with you that electricity has transformed the way we live and how we work, and it's hard to imagine a world without electricity now😭. Indeed Your points about the challenges we would face without electricity, like communication, slow economy and transportation, which is highly considered of great significant to humans,I can imagine if there's no electricity again life will indeed become harder,I really appreciate your reply, kind words about my post and indeed your affable wishes for my success. Thanks bro🙏.

 3 months ago 

You are highly welcome!

 3 months ago 

You are accurate; if energy is not available, we cannot use online jobs like Steemit. When our entire existence is disrupted by a power outage, we wonder if it is permanent.

Yes, you are right dear friend @senehasa, coz reliable access to electricity is very very significant for great increased in our digital lives and power outages can results to so many setbacks, especially economically, education, agriculturally etc.
I appreciate your wonderful comments 🙏

 3 months ago 

You are welcome my friend.

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